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  1. Small Scale World, , more info

    H is for Haunted Hallows Halloween Hangable . . .
    . . . Plaster Paint Your Own Kit! Shelfied in The Range the other day, this chalkware/plaster Witch comes with a half reasonable paint brush, which is excuse enough to part with a quid? From two angles, just because of the flash, and the store's own lighting, there's not a lot else to add, it's a figural, it's seasonally relevant, and it's out there now . . . fun for …
    By Hugh Walter, 83 words
  2. Overcoming Bias, , more info

    Betrayed By Culture
    Like most humans ever, I love my culture. Its food, clothes, festivals, songs, stories, news, monuments, inspirational speeches, all of it. Deeply. They bring tears to my eyes, and comfort to my soul. I want to assume, as have most humans ever, that the mere fact that my culture exists suggests that it will probably do well by me. And the fact that it seems especially envied and celebrated raises …
    By Robin Hanson, 709 words
  3. The Pub Curmudgeon, , more info

    Chippy about chips
    Plans for a new chippy on a North Wales holiday park have met with opposition from the local health board: Plans for a new chippy have come up against a health board's demands for fruit and veg on the menu. Betsi Cadwaladr health board wants the proposed takeaway in Morfa Bychan, Gwynedd, to sell a "good selection" of fruit and veg. It wants the menu to have less fat, salt …
    By Curmudgeon, 356 words
  4. Fossil Huntress, , more info

    What do temperature, sand and sex have in common?Well, for the Green Sea Turtle—everything. When these cuties are still in their shells incubating, the temperature of the sand surrounding them determines their sex. Boy or girl? Warm sand produces females and cooler sand hatches out male Green Sea Turtles.The Green Sea Turtle, Chelonia mydas, also known as the Green Turtle, Black Sea
    By FossilHuntress, 67 words
  5. Packing Up The Pieces | Blog, , more info

    6 Reasons to Visit Cangas de Onís One of the Best Gateways to the Picos de Europa
    Nestled in the foothills of the Picos de Europa National Park is the village of Cangas de Onís. While the village is quite touristy, it is worth a stop when planning a visit to Spain’s most beloved National Park, the Picos de Europa. Cangas de Onís is an extremely popular base to explore the Picos...
    By Megan Anderson, 72 words
  6. The Movie Crash Course, , more info

    Little Big Man (1970)
    The word that kept coming to mind when I thought about this was “Dickensian”. And I realize that’s a weird way to describe a 1970s revisionist Western but it still fits. Dustin Hoffman stars as “Jack Crabb”, a white man who was adopted into the Cheyenne tribe when he was orphaned at age ten, and spends the next few decades getting pulled back and forth between Cheyenne and Causasian society. …
    By KWadsworth, 707 words
  7. Shapers of the 80s, , more info

    2024 ➤ Original outlaws celebrate their blasts from the past
    ❚ HERE’S A REVIEW OF THE NEW OUTLAWS SHOW, written by Franceska Luther King at Facebook yesterday… << Fabulous night at the private view of Outlaws: Fashion Renegades of 80s London at the Fashion and Textile Museum on Thursday evening. … Continue reading →
    By OTL, 54 words
  8. Reclaiming Paradise, , more info

    Tomato joys
    The tomatoes at the allotment this year have been a classic case of one step forward, two steps back. First of all the supposedly blight resistant ‘crimson crush’ seeds refused to germinate. Then a couple of them did so I took the two precious crimson crush plants to the allotment, reckoning that they were needed there more than in the garden. They got off to a reasonably good start and …
    By Reclaiming Paradise, 417 words
  9. Oatmeal, , more info

    📸 Photo
    Dinosaur golf before it shuts for the season.
    10 words
  10. 11011110, , more info

    A half-flipped binary tiling
    In this tiling of the hyperbolic plane, all of the tiles are the same shape and size (despite their varied appearance), they are not square, and they are not polygons. The right side of the illustration depicts a binary tiling, in one of its conventional views using the Poincaré half plane model of hyperbolic geometry. The vertical sides of the tiles lie on hyperbolic lines, but their horizontal sides are …
    By David Eppstein, 841 words
  11. Renga in Blue, , more info

    Raspion Adventure: The Secret Treasures of Syl
    I’ve finished the game; this is continued from my last post. Via the Centre of Computing History. ftb on Discord pointed me to one of these mega-shareware discs having a copy of Raspion, but compiled for DOS. First off, RavenWorks cleared something up for me: that SLIT message was referring to the acronym that goes with the “say Lymbar in tomb” in the book; I hadn’t been paying attention to …
    By Jason Dyer, 902 words
  12. Computational Complexity, , more info

    Emil Post Anticipated (more than anticipated) Godel and Turing
    (Thanks to James De Santis for pointing the article that inspired this post on Post. The article is pointed to in this post.) What is Emil Post known for? I know of him for the following: a) Post's Problem: Show that there is an r.e. set A that is strictly in between Decidable and Halt using Turing Reductions. He posed the problem in 1944. It was solved in 1956 by …
    By gasarch, 584 words
  13. James Stanley, , more info

    Bare minds
    Back in the Stone Age, humanity was just scraping by with not much more than our bare hands. Working with AI has showed me that, all this time: we've just been scraping by with our bare minds. If computers were meant to be bicycles for the mind, then AI is jetpacks for the mind. I've been using Cursor for programming recently, and it has changed my life. I wouldn't go …
    535 words
  14. David Revoy, , more info

    Configuring the XpPen ACK05 Remote with only FLOSS on GNU/Linux: my investigation and workarounds.
    Here is my research on how to use and configure the XPPen ACK05 Remote using only Free Libre and Open Source drivers and software under GNU/Linux. As you'll see, it's quite limited and some features just don't work. This guide will be updated as soon as I have new information on how to improve it, or as soon as new development improves support for this device. Terminology: ACK05 → The …
    By David REVOY, 1,652 words
  15. The Map Room, , more info

    Satellite Imagery Before Landsat
    Speaking of historical satellite imagery, Bill Morris went digging for satellite imagery of what preceded Manicouagan Reservoir before it was created in the 1960s by Quebec’s massive hydro dam projects. But since Landsat first launched in 1973, after the dam was completed, what imagery was there? Answer: CIA spy satellite imagery from 1965—when satellites took pictures on film that was then sent back to Earth—that was declassified in 1996. Read …
    By Jonathan Crowe, 75 words