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  1. James' Angling Adventures, , more info

    Teme Tiger Recon - Part 1
    Following on from my big result on the R.Wye and only 36 miles from the R.Teme it seemed to be the logical next step, at 7am I was cruising up the M50 bound for a date with a Teme Tiger, a Barbel from here is reputed to fight harder than any other Barbel in the country, that was a reputation I wanted to test. Having seen the Teme for the …
    By James Denison Angling, 233 words
  2. EvermoreStudio, , more info

    Spiral Crystal Light-Up Pop Up Card
    Chibitronics asked me to participate in a #LightUpPopUpTober project they are coordinating with prompts from @5am_popup. My prompt was “reverse.” Thus, the switching mechanism for this card works by reversing the covers of the card, touching the front and reverse sides.I took inspiration from a design by the late Professor Masahiro Chatani for the mechanical functioning of the card. The electronics and everything else were improvised as quickly as I …
    By Andrew Crawford, 103 words
  3. Climbing My Family Tree, , more info

    Ask a Local Historian or Librarian About Your Brickwall Ancestor!
    For a long time, I've been trying to learn more about my husband's 3d great-grandparents, William Tyler Bentley (1795-1873) and Olivia Morgan Bentley (1799?-1838). The earliest official document I have for this family is the 1830 US Census, where they're enumerated in the town of Sandy Creek, Oswego County, New York. Other documents confirm Oswego as the birthplace of William and Olivia's children in the 1820s and 1830s.Browsing the 1830 …
    By Marian B. Wood, 515 words
  4. BikePortland, , more info

    What happened on Hawthorne, and what’s next?
    Conditions as of Wednesday (10/9). Red line shows striping location County initially installed but then rolled back. The community is still processing how Multnomah County engineers and planners could have ever approved a design for the Hawthorne Bridge viaduct that put bike riders in even more risk than usual. Over the course of a week or so, we learned that the County changed the existing bike lane design at the …
    By Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor), 972 words
  5. Lines and Colors, , more info

    Eye Candy for Today: The Kiss by Francesco Hayez
    The Kiss, Francesco Hayez, oil on canvas, roughly 43 x 35 inches ( 110 x 88 cm); link is to image file page on Wikimdeia Commons, original is in the Pinacoteca di Brera (Brera Art Gallery) in Milan. In this beautiful painting by mid-19th century Italian painter Francesco Hayez, the woman’s stunning gown is the first thing to attract our attention. The shimmering blue material (satin?) is offset by the …
    By cparker, 141 words
  6. CSS-Tricks, , more info

    CSS Tricks That Use Only One Gradient
    CSS gradients have been so long that there’s no need to rehash what they are and how to use them. You have surely encountered them at some point in your front-end journey, and if you follow me, you also know that I use them all the time. I use them for CSS patterns, nice CSS decorations, and even CSS loaders. But even so, gradients have a tough syntax that can …
    By Temani Afif, 2,182 words
  7. Serenity Now Scents and Sensibilities, , more info

    Perfume Chat Room, October 11
    Welcome to the weekly Perfume Chat Room, perfumistas! I envision this chat room as a weekly drop-in spot online, where readers may ask questions, suggest fragrances, tell others their SOTD, comment on new releases or old favorites, and respond to each other. The perennial theme is fragrance, but we can interpret that broadly. This is meant […]
    By Old Herbaceous, 61 words
  8. The Digital Antiquarian, , more info

    This Week on The Analog Antiquarian
    The Voyage of Magellan, Chapter 16: The Happy Thieves
    By Jimmy Maher, 15 words
  9. San Francisco Senior Beat, , more info

    Art and science vied for Sarah Young’s heart: Both found a place
    Few who end up in the hospital are likely to be thinking about whether there’s a sufficient, readily accessible, and safe supply of blood on hand if needed. Someone who has is Sarah Young, former manager of the blood bank at San Francisco’s Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center. Until she retired in 2017, it was her ... The post Art and science vied for Sarah Young’s heart: Both found a place …
    By Myra Krieger, 110 words
  10. best part of the day, , more info

    s i x t y t w o !
    On the 3rd October I turned 62 years old. Born in 1962. Kind of incredible and mundane in equal measure. Instead of pondering too much on the (limited) joys of getting older, because there is no acceptable alternative, let's just go for a run instead.Mary asked where I would like to go for a birthday run. And instantly regretted it! She is not a huge fan of the NB circuit. …
    By pb, 1,210 words
  11. Cogito, Ergo Sumana | Home, , more info

    "A Story About Jessica" by SwiftOnSecurity
    The cybersecurity expert SwiftOnSecurity, a decade ago, wrote a parable called "A Story About Jessica" and posted it to their (now-deleted) Tumblr blog. I found it moving and insightful. The consultancy Superbloom pointed to it …
    42 words
  12. BLCKDGRD, , more info

    My Saints, My Slogan-Sayers Sang, Be Good, My Child, in Spite of All Alarm
    Turned on my chromebook this morning to post the hexjeff below, between last night and this morning chrome installed Gemini, its motherfucking AI tool, and chrome pinned the icon to my task bar and is badgering me on screen and in email, here is my response to Every.Fucking.Thing:Serendipitously if unfortunately, three weeks ago the person I'm related to by marriage accidentally and unknowingly knocked my chromebook off the piano bench …
    1,298 words
  13. VolcanoCafe, , more info

    Santorini: Beauty – and the Beast
    1 million people visit Vesuvius each year. It is a big number which involves a lot of people struggling up the steep and dusty path to the rim. Rather more people visit the more accessible archaeological monument to Vesuvius that is Pompeii: counting those as well brings the total to 2.5 million. It makes it…
    By Albert, 61 words
  14. of Resonance, , more info

    The distance between us and eternity is growing and it demands more and more effort in our life in…
    The distance between us and eternity is growing and it demands more and more effort in our life in order to return to eternity. So we go out of eternity and fall. Time is a kind of radical sin and not a kind of progress; it’s something completely opposite. We should make time something other than it is, and that is precisely why when Christ was baptised the river Jordan …
    129 words
  15. Interconnected, a blog by Matt Webb, , more info

    Filtered for time and false memory
    1. How do you create an internet archive of all human knowledge? (NPR). Transcript of a 12 minute interview with Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive. The average life of a webpage before it’s either changed or deleted is a hundred days. Kahle realised, back in 1996, that our collective digital memory was going to be a problem. He did something about it. The Internet Archive currently holds 866 …
    942 words