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  1. Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog, , more info

    News, nuggets and longreads 12 October 2024: The Outcasts
    Here’s all the writing about beer and pubs that grabbed us in the past week, from Manchester to Acid House. First, a few bits of news: Thornbridge & Co (a partnership between Thornbridge and Pivovar) is planning to open a pub in London in 2025. It seems a long way from home but there’s no denying that our immediate reaction is pleasure at the thought of knowing there’ll be somewhere …
    By Boak & Bailey, 1,166 words
  2. Long story; short pier, , more info

    I made another thing
    and you are hereby invited to spend some money on it, thank you.
    By kip, 17 words
  3. Tale of Painters » Classic Blog, , more info

    Review: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Celestant, Reclusians, Stormstrike Palladors, Iridan the Witness
    After the Skaven, it's now the Stormcast Eternals' turn to receive a massive influx of new models for the 4th Edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. In part 1 of our mega review, we take a closer look at the first half of the new releases, including high-resolution sprue images and all the possible build options. The post Review: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Celestant, Reclusians, Stormstrike Palladors, Iridan the Witness appeared first …
    By Stahly, 84 words
  4. A Just Recompense, , more info

    Michael Frayn: Headlong (Picador 1999) [IBR2024]
    I have a discovery to report. Many of the world’s great treasures are known to have been lost over the centuries. I believe I may have found one of them. What follows is the evidence for my claim. I’m in a difficult position, though. If my claim is not accepted by scholars, I shall look a fool. If it is … then I shall be in a worse position. The …
    By Karen Carlson, 1,944 words
  5. a sibilant intake of breath, , more info

    Snake Island Lake, Temagami
    By Milan, 4 words
  6. Nigeness, , more info

    'Far known to sea and shore...'
    Time for a poem, and as I'm not long back from Venice, here's one on a Venetian theme – one of A.E. Housman's less well known works, published after his death (in the collection More Poems), probably because it is a little too revealing of Housman's sexual predilections. In Venice he had had a romantic liaison (inevitably abortive) with a gondolier called Andrea, who is named in the poem, but …
    By Nige, 254 words
  7. Grizzlebit, , more info

    iPhone Apps I Use
    I love finding out about what apps other folks use so I thought I’d give a rundown on what’s on my iPhone. Health and fitness Zenitizer - A meditation timer that can play some white noise and throw up chimes on a custom interval. Most of the other meditation apps are junky or have a bunch of courses in them and cost a bunch more. MacroFactor - A calorie tracker …
    By Ray Grasso, 882 words
  8. Hugo Book Club Blog, , more info

    Hugo Cinema Goes Mainstream (Hugo Cinema 1982)
    This blog post is the twenty fifth in a series examining past winners of the Best Dramatic Presentation Hugo Award. An introductory blog post is here.Science fiction cinema of the 1980s holds a special place in the hearts of many fans … perhaps because so many of them fell in love with the genre during a decade in which the genre entered the mainstream.Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken in Escape …
    1,306 words
  9. The Blockchain Socialist - Blog Archives, , more info

    Tech Workers Coalition: Adapting the Labor Movement for the Digital Age
    For this episode I spoke to Simone Robutti. Simone works as an organization designer, adversarial researcher, and teacher. Formerly a software developer, he has been part of different chapters of Tech Workers Coalition since 2018. During the interview we discussed how to start a labor union at your tech company, innovative ways to go on strike, and how tech ideology as psyoped you to thinking labor struggle can’t work in …
    By The Blockchain Socialist, 188 words
  10. Airminded, , more info

    What I did in my holidays (sightseeing) – Conwy, Bath
    After Liverpool, Conwy. Via Bangor, very briefly. (All I'll say is that if you tell people you're going on holiday to X and their response is 'X? Really?', that should probably be taken as an opportunity to rethink your travel plans.) Conwy is a pretty walled town in North Wales, built around a 13th-century castle built by Edward I. I've been here before and loved it, and even wrote three …
    By Brett Holman, 720 words
  11., , more info

    Introducing: clipscreen
    Introducing: clipscreen Using a ginormous 49" widescreen monitor is awesome. Except for when you wanna share your screen in Google Meet or other tools. Sharing a 5120×1440 screen simply makes no sense. Of course you can opt to share a tab or window instead. But for work, I often need to switch between a terminal, my IDE and a browser. If I want to share my workflow with a colleague, …
    By andi, 367 words
  12. Book Jotter, , more info

    Winding Up the Week #394
    An end of week recap “Learn what is to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest.” – Herman Hesse I thank you for your cheerful forbearance while I gallivanted off to York to meet my half-sister and her wife for the first time ever. Our get-together went wonderfully (thank you so much to those who wished me well), and I return to you with these varied collectanea of literary …
    By Paula Bardell-Hedley, 2,993 words
  13. Holy Mountain: A Blog about Our Common Life, , more info

    Iowa Ideas conference 2024
    A vigorous exchange of ideas about public issues characterized the panels I virtually attended at this year's Iowa Ideas conference organized by the Cedar Rapids Gazette. It's the ninth edition of the conference, but my first. Previously classes or professional travel kept me away; our obscenely summer-like weather almost kept me away this year, but after a day trip to Backbone State Park I eventually showed up to three panels. …
    By Bruce Nesmith, 736 words
  14. Adam Argyle, , more info

    Why isn't my `position-try-fallback` working in small spaces?
    Opened an anchor bug a couple weeks ago. The most bizarre thing was happening with the auto flip feature of anchor positioning. See the Pen Hot text-emphasis by Adam Argyle (@argyleink) on CodePen. or so I thought… prob # When I had like > 1000px viewport, the anchored element would flip-block like I wanted. But… when I went to smaller viewports, it just stopped working. What in the world does …
    By DevRel@Google, 242 words
  15. The World according to Dina, , more info

    London’s Wobbly Wonder
    Siri and Selma have been nagging us for months. They want to go to London. So we set off. Selma had diligently researched and planned that we would first go to the Millennium Bridge, which connects modern with old London and art with spirituality. This elegant pedestrian suspension bridge links the Tate Modern to St ...
    By Klausbernd, 59 words