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  1. [S][J][P], , more info

    AI & Kids
    This paragraph from Peter Coy's essay in the (paywalled) New York Times opinion section is just great. Computer scientists are continually surprised by the creativity displayed by new generations of A.I. Consider that lying is a sign of intellectual development: Children learn to lie around age 3, and they get better at it as they develop. As a liar, artificial intelligence is way past the toddler stage.Later in the same …
    By Neil Gorman, 317 words
  2. Vintage Home Plans, , more info

    Norway, 1956: Housing Directorate’s type drawing 108
    Norway, 1956: Housing Directorate’s type drawing 108A compact modern three bedroom house.Nordiske Småhus by Helge Abrahamsen, 1958. (Oslo, Norway) —from my library
    29 words
  3. LRB Blog, , more info

    Zain Samir: ‘Death is not a stranger in our house’
    The tragedy of this war is that it has all happened before. Punitive measures inflicted on the local population in the name of achieving peace and security has been Israel’s approach in South Lebanon since the late 1960s. It’s an approach that, over the decades, has served only to fuel more aggressive forms of resistance – legitimised in the eyes of much of the population by Israeli actions. Israel’s goal …
    93 words
  4. Tim Holt-Wilson | Writing, , more info

    The Stag’s Lament
    Horns above me Tail ahin me Hooves beneath me Tripe within me Hail to the Hornèd Fáilte to the Fleet of Foot May fur fly Voice bell loud and strong Trapped in the rut Oh dear
    By Tim Holt-Wilson, 39 words
  5. Tandleman's Beer Blog, , more info

    London - A Small Cask Snapshot
    I was in London last week for a few days and decided on a whim to have one entire day - or thereabouts - just drinking cask. "Unwise" I hear you say and of course I can see why, but arriving at a somewhat gloomy and rainy Euston and just as gloomy Aldgate, somehow pints of lager didn't appeal.As usual, we inspected the flat and having confirmed all is well, …
    964 words
  6. Old Deptford History, , more info

    Help for Philip
    Thank you for a fascinating website.I have been researching the Wood family who lived in the area for many generations and in doing so have been looking at thousands of pages of parish records for around 1700-1800. One of the roads mentioned appears to be Crops Field Lane. Do you or your viewers have any information where this was located?Philip Jacquet
    By Andy, 63 words
  7. The Waving Cat – Blog, , more info

    The State of Openness
    A quick project update that has been somewhat overdue: Openness has been a core building block and underlying philosophy of the web since its earliest days. However, the concept — and to an even larger degree, the term itself — have come under a lot of pressure. Largely that is because it carries many positive associations. In other words, Openness has become a victim of its own success. So where …
    By Peter Bihr, 164 words
  8. The Family Stage, , more info

    REVIEW: Sleeping Beauty (Broadway Theatre, Catford)
    Our second panto of the season saw us tick off a new venue, with a trip to Catford’s Broadway Theatre. Panto legend, Susie McKenna returns to write and direct the festive production for a second year, with a feminist retelling of Sleeping Beauty. A classic panto with a modern twist, it’s a fantastic production with a distinctly Lewisham vibe. Our story begins (as is traditional) with the birth of a …
    By The Family Stage, 516 words
  9. Joel's Blog, , more info

    A Brush With Destiny
    You may see a lot of tools, both good and bad, on the used market. But you will rarely if ever see a finishing brush on the used market. They simply wear out. These days brushes are considered largely a utility item in the woodworking world. Artists are known to be picky when it comes to brushes, and artist brushes can be quite expensive. But in the woodworking realm, finishing …
    536 words
  10. D4D, , more info

    Counting Down
    Thank god there’s only a week left of this bullshit. I am truly sick of somehow everyone deciding that “Christmas” means “all of December”. Just fuck off. All of it.
    By Lyle, 32 words
  11. lukebennett13, , more info

    ‘Please retain all information for future reference’: the challenges of communicating with future users
    “All entities are shy retiring octopuses that squirt out a dissembling ink as they withdraw into the ontological shadows”. Timothy Morton (2013) Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). 3-4. The Christmas lights tumble out of their battered box, expanding like an uncaged octopus. In reverse they will assume the un-packability of a fully splayed kitten: legs and arms extended to deny …
    By lukebennett13, 1,992 words
  12. Babak Fakhamzadeh, , more info

    Sins Beneath the Equator
    This past year, I’ve been working with Marco Zero, an investigative news agency in Recife, in the northeast of Brazil, and Nest, an exhibition space in The Hague, to bring you a collection of 100 short, location-based podcasts, on the history of the Dutch colonisation efforts in northeastern Brazil. This project was funded through a grant by the Dutch Stimuleringsfonds, as a response to an Open Call which asked to …
    By Babak Fakhamzadeh, 714 words
  13. Bartosz Ciechanowski, , more info

    In the vastness of empty space surrounding Earth, the Moon is our closest celestial neighbor. Its face, periodically filled with light and devoured by darkness, has an ever-changing, but dependable presence in our skies. In this article, we’ll learn about the Moon and its path around our planet, but to experience that journey first-hand, we have to enter the cosmos itself.This article has many interactive demonstrations which are best seen …
    74 words
  14. We Are the Mutants, , more info

    Kool Kelly’s Place: True Confessions of an ’80s Bedroom
    Recollections / December 17, 2024 ROBERTS: I can’t believe I let you guys talk me into this, but I suppose it has to be done. A few months ago my dad sent me a whole bunch of pictures on a flash drive. This was one of them. It’s my bedroom in 1987. I’m 15. I think it’s winter: you can see a couple of LPs on the bed—Mad Parade’s A …
    By K.E. Roberts, 3,201 words
  15. Mario Villalobos, , more info

    2024-12-17 20:27
    My favorite end-of-year recap is back! All this has done is make me miss baseball.
    15 words