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  1. Oatmeal, , more info

    That evil little owl
    On a note similar to my previous post, I uninstalled Duolingo from my phone this evening.
    20 words
  2. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity, , more info

    8 New Agents Seeking Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Thrillers, Literary Fiction, YA, Memoir, Nonfiction and more
    Here are eight new literary agents actively seeking clients. New agents are a boon to writers. They are actively building their lists, and will go the extra mile for their clients.All of these agents work for established agencies with good track records. They are looking for all genres.Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change. …
    By Erica Verrillo, 1,738 words
  3. 11011110, , more info

    Twenty questions with a random liar
    I have another new arXiv preprint: “Computational geometry with probabilistically noisy primitive operations”, arXiv:2501.07707, with Mike Goodrich and his student Vinesh Sridhar. Many computational geometry algorithms are designed around the use of primitives, subroutines that access the coordinate data of the input and convert it into combinatorial information, with the assumption that all access to the input goes through these primitives. For instance, a key primitive often used for computing …
    By David Eppstein, 1,053 words
  4. Cat and Girl, , more info

    The Great Deskilling II
    By Dorothy, 4 words
  5. Chris Coyier, , more info

    The Garden vs The River
    Robin Rendle quoting Chris Armstrong: … Chris [Armstrong] argues that personal websites could become more like wikis instead: With digital gardens, every new piece of content in the network has the potential to add depth and context to every other part. The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. I truly love the idea that topics might grow over time with constant refininement [sic]. Expand! Condense! Connect! I …
    By Chris Coyier, 264 words
  6. Adventurous Kate - The Solo Female Travel Blog, , more info

    11 Fun Things to Do in Camogli, Italy
    Ever heard of Camogli, Italy? This little beach town is one of my favorite gems in Italy — a gorgeous seaside town on the Ligurian Coast that makes a perfect alternative to Cinque Terre. Located on the western side of the Portofino Peninsula, Camogli is just 15 miles from busy Genoa. It’s small enough to visit on a day trip from other Ligurian towns, but I think it’s one of …
    By Adventurous Kate, 3,355 words
  7. Playing D&D With Porn Stars, , more info

    Because David Lynch Died
    This is an old post which I'm re-posting because David Lynch died. A stray observation here--that his work frequently nailed the distinctive spot where you don't know whether to laugh or be terrified, has come up for me over and over in the years since it went up.Mood and MoralityThis is about achieving a mood in a game (or in a movie or book or whatever).A basic rule of aesthetics …
    By Zak Sabbath, 1,806 words
  8. Marius Masalar, , more info

    Reviews are supposed to be biased
    If you see a link to a product or service on this blog, it’s not an affiliate link. I earn no kickbacks and accept no compensation from brands in exchange for coverage here. What I’m sharing is an honest, unvarnished personal impression of what it’s like to live with the thing. But it is not unbiased. I’m not after objectivity in reviews, and I don’t think you should be either. …
    311 words
  9. Ray Grasso Photography, , more info

    Chermside, Brisbane
    See more in Black and White.
    By Ray Grasso, 8 words
  10. Dr. Roseanne Chambers – Blog, , more info

    Two Novel Nature-Based Water Systems in the Andes
    In the Andes Mountains today, water managers are using both ancient and modern approaches to improve supplies of this vital resource. Novel methods, including those based on Indigenous knowledge, are needed to help meet the challenges of population growth and a warming climate. I’ve been interested in water supply issues for decades, starting in my teens when I began whitewater kayaking in California rivers. Those years, during the 1960s and …
    By Roseanne Chambers, 1,103 words
  11. virology blog, , more info

    Trial By Error: BMJ Has Corrected the REGAIN Trial Paper–But Not the Editorial or Systematic Review Touting REGAIN’s Findings
    By David Tuller, DrPH Last February, The BMJ published a paper called “Clinical effectiveness of an online supervised group physical and mental health rehabilitation programme for adults with post-covid-19 condition (REGAIN study): multicentre randomised controlled trial,” from McGregor et al. The study purported to have proven that this multi-disciplinary intervention was “clinically effective” in reducing … Trial By Error: BMJ Has Corrected the REGAIN Trial Paper–But Not the Editorial or …
    By David Tuller, 97 words
  12. Defiant Sloth, , more info

    2025-01-16 21:33
    RIP, David Lynch. Too soon, dreamer.
    6 words
  13. Ikkaro - Homemade inventions and DIY, , more info

    Como crear un paquete en Python
    LLevo tiempo desarrollando una serie de herramientas en Python para automatizar mi trabajo. Lo que empezó como un simple script con unas funciones ya lleva más de 500 líneas. Cada vez se hace más grande y salen más problemas porque tengo que usarlo en muchos proyectos, cada uno con sus particularidades. Al final ha ocurrido lo inevitable decenas de scripts parcheados y que cada vez que tengo que modificar , …
    By Nacho Morató, 1,422 words
  14. Matt Levine - Bloomberg, , more info

    You Don’t Always Know What Bonds Cost
    Also Goldman says private markets are the new public markets and Hindenburg quits.
    By Matt Levine, 20 words
  15. Lens Rentals | Blog, , more info

    Beginner Tips for Your Next Photography Adventure
    Nature photography is one of life’s most enjoyable and rewarding passions, but it can also be incredibly challenging and, at times, bearably frustrating. I’ve dedicated many years of my life to an endless pursuit of capturing stunning images of the natural world, and over that time, I’ve learned a lot. After making countless mistakes and […]
    By Keenan Hursh, 63 words