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    I am a multi-disciplinary engineer and entrepreneur with a PhD in flying robotics and interests in software, aviation, photography, generative art, plotters, and home automation. By Antoine Beyeler. 🇨🇭 More info

    TIL: displaying contributor avatars in GitHub changelogs
    While working on a changelog-generation script for my vsvg project, I wanted to display the list of contributors as circular avatars, just like GitHub does in multiple places. After a few Google searches and some …
    221 words
  2. same stuff, different day
    A personal blog focused on technology and leadership with the occasional post on books, music, and more. By Michael Eaton. More info

    Interesting links of the week 2024-43
    Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (October 14, 2024 - October 20, 2024). Enjoy! Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure …
    By Michael Eaton, 320 words
  3. Larry Hosken: New
    🇺🇸 More info

    Book Report: Shift Happens, Vol. №2
    It's the second volume in a set of books about the history of keyboards, text entry, the user experience of working with text on various devices. This volume got into more modern history. Sometimes I …
    By lahosken, 260 words
  4. The Arcade Blogger
    A blog celebrating the history and preservation of Classic Arcade Video Games from the 70s and 80s. By Tony Temple. 🇬🇧 More info

    The TDE Podcast Ep 35: Atari Inc Coin-Op Engineer Jeff Bell
    Episode 35 of the Ted Dabney Experience podcast is available now for your listening pleasure! If you enjoy reading, you’ll love the other project I’m involved with: The Ted Dabney Experience Episode 35: Click …
    By Tony, 192 words
  5. Daniel Bowen
    🇦🇺 More info

    V/Line patronage surging on weekends
    The Monthly Average Patronage By Day Type And Mode data was updated to include up to June 2024, and I thought I’d look at how V/Line is doing, given the fare cap introduced on 31st …
    By Daniel Bowen, 581 words
  6. Weird Universe
    Exploring every aspect of a human and natural cosmos that is not only stranger than we imagine but stranger than we can imagine. By Paul DiFilippo, Alex Boese. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Ding Dong Dog of Cuminestone
    Newport News Daily Press - Dec 15, 1963
    14 words
  7. Mike Lynch
    I'm a coder, writer and musician in Sydney, Australia. 🇦🇺 More info

    Dune Cheese
    The Dragon in the Sea The Santaroga Barrier Frank Herbert About a year ago my brother lent me an old copy of Frank Herbert's first novel, The Dragon in the Sea, and I hadn't got …
    By Mike Lynch, 396 words
  8. Libraries – Thomas Guignard photography
    🇨🇦 More info

    Lakehead University Library
    The precursor to today’s Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario was Lakehead Technical Institute, established in 1946 in response to urgent need for higher education in the province’s northwest region. Lakehead became a university through …
    By Thomas Guignard, 353 words
  9. Andrew Doran
    🇬🇧 More info

    Weeknotes #295 — Big bad DOMS
    I spent the first half of the week walking around like an old man, tentatively tackling stairs and taking an age to move between sitting and standing positions. It’s been a while since I’ve had …
    By Andrew Doran, 1,388 words
  10. Accidental Woodworker
    The daily dribble from my workshop. By Ralph Boumenot. 🇺🇸 More info

    prototype cupboard pt XX........
    All that is left is to finish the tile frame and attach the tile. I finished the woodworking on the frame and I just need to get some shellac on it. Once that is done …
    By Ralph Boumenot, 1,128 words
  11. Bike to Everything - Blog
    Bike commuting for everyone. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Long Bike Commute from SF to South Bay with Alex
    Alex lives in San Francisco and regularly rides his bike on a long bike commute nearly 50 miles to work in South Bay. We asked him some questions about his story and any tips and …
    By Dylan Harris, 2,998 words
  12. Typographica
    Type reviews, books, commentary. By Stephen Coles, Caren Litherland. 🇺🇸 More info

    Typographica is Twenty Years Old
    This website just passed its twentieth birthday. In web years, that’s more like a centennial. At the risk of waxing nostalgic, I’m posting a few highlights from our first year.
    By Stephen Coles, 35 words
  13. Tyler Reckart's Blog
    Tyler Reckart is a programmer, photographer, and writer based in Greenville, SC. 🇺🇸 More info

    Writing a Tab View Controller in Swift UI
    In my opinion, Swift UI is a fantastic jumping-off point for less experienced developers wanting to get into iOS development. It reminds me of my earliest days of programming; just turn the clock back 15 …
    848 words
  14. Oliver Palmer
    I'm a Conversion Rate Optimisation consultant, helping my clients to increase their conversion rates, make better decisions informed by data and delight their customers. 🇦🇺 More info

    South Gippsland Farmers' Markets Calendar
    The weekend markets live-ish and direct in my hand A few years ago, I ended up spending 9 months living in South Gippsland, about two hours from Melbourne. We were doing a renovation on our …
    457 words
  15. The English Woodworker
    Woodworking blog & videos for the hand tool woodworker. By Richard Maguire. 🇬🇧 More info

    Which Saws Are Best For Ripping Thick Stuff? [Video]
    There’s a lot of choice when it comes to rip saws. And unfortunately options usually just make things more complicated.So hopefully the video above will help clear up some of the confusion around which saw …
    By Richard Maguire, 82 words