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  1. Kimberly Hirsh
    Mother, learner, wit. Researching Connected Learning + Libraries @ the Connected Learning Lab, leading in #FanLIS. She. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024-07-25 21:30
    I’ve been reading the staff handbook for my new school library job and my dress is supposed to meet or exceed the standards expected of students. Based on what I saw last year as a …
    49 words
  2. Resourceaholic
    Free resources and ideas for teaching secondary school maths. By Jo Morgan. 🇬🇧 More info

    5 Maths Gems #180
    Welcome to my 180th gems post. This is where I share some of the latest news, ideas and resources for maths teachers.1. AreaI love @catrionateaches's suggestion that students write a 'plan without numbers' when attempting …
    By Jo Morgan, 63 words
  3. Matt Weber – Blog
    Writer of science fiction & fantasy. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Tithe
    I was rereading the Penny Arcade Eyrewood comics, and… I’m not sure this is the first time I’ve read “The Tithe” since I learned one of Jerry Holkins’ daughters is trans, but to me (a …
    By Matt, 554 words
  4. a philosopHER walks
    Walking the world, without and within. By Kathrine Cuccuru. 🇺🇸 More info

    Long Distance Launch Event! Stage Three ‘a philosopHER walks’
    Join me in person on Sunday 23 April, 3-4pm in The Round George’s function room, 14-15 Sutherland Avenue, Brighton, BN2 0EQ. You will have an opportunity to ASK ME ANYTHING! about the project. And together …
    By aphilosopherwalks, 75 words
  5. The Shelter Stone
    By Will Ellwood. 🇬🇧 More info

    Butt Pee
    I’ve watched two of this year’s films on the Reel Rock film festival, So far, the one that’s entertained me the most is Jirishanca. It follows two “bros” climbing a line up a 6000m mountain …
    By Will Ellwood, 243 words
  6. No Escape
    Digital Culture and its Discontents. More info

    Navigating Without a Map
    “In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it. The following …
    By Kaile Hultner, 1,526 words
  7. The LRM - The Loiterers Resistance Movement | Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    July 2024 First Sunday
    Dear friends, loiterers and lovers of drifting It’s First Sunday, this Sunday and time for change…. I’m delighted we have a guest loiterer facilitating our wanders this month. I met Bella through the excellent Narrow …
    409 words
  8. 3:AM Magazine
    Whatever it is, we're against it. 🇺🇸 More info

    Other Reflexes: Diana Georgiou Interviewed
    Diana Georgiou interviewed by Bridget Penney. Diana Georgiou’s Other Reflexes, published by Book Works in 2023, offers an unprecedented depiction of Cyprus that captures the difficulties of queer female experience in a deeply conservative and …
    By Andrew Gallix, 4,594 words
  9. Situationniste Blog
    A Situationist Book Collector's Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    Une Saison avec Marianne / A Season with Marianne [2022/2024]
    SEGURA, Alain. Une saison avec Marianne: la dernière surréaliste. Bassac: Plein chant (coll. « La font secrète »), 2022 SEGURA, Alain. A Season with Marianne: The Last Surrealist. Trans. Bill Brown. Brooklyn: Common Notions, Dec. …
    By elhajoui, 187 words
  10. 8Sided Blog
    a zine about sound, culture, and the punk rock dream. By Michael Donaldson. 🇺🇸 More info

    Shimmering & Shining with The Black Watch
    It’s easy to get distracted by the number 23. Not only are we told it’s everywhere by thinkers as prestigious as Robert Anton Wilson and Jim Carrey, but those two digits look and feel special. …
    By M Donaldson, 2,209 words
  11. Amy Goodchild — Blog
    I’m an artist based in London. I use code and other technology to create art which explores generativity, group experience, and interaction. 🇺🇸 More info

    Chaos in the medium: watercolour plotting
    Over the past few weeks, I've been experimenting with painting in watercolours using my AxiDraw plotter. Watercolour is a medium I enjoy painting in (by hand) as a personal hobby, kind of separate from my …
    By Amy Goodchild, 1,655 words
  12. Wayne Myers | bloggage
    Wayne Myers is a musician, writer and coder based in St Leonards-on-Sea. This is his blog. 🇬🇧 More info

    Italian Abdominal Truss Package Designer Doesn’t Give A Shit
    I just had surgery to repair an incisional hernia near where my appendix used to be. By “just” I mean Thursday week ago. I am recovering well, thank you, though it did knock me for …
    352 words
  13. Cincinnati Curiosities
    Working overtime to keep alive the weird soul of the Queen City. By Greg Hand. 🇺🇸 More info

    Women’s Bobbed Hair Got Cincinnati Men’s Dander Up One Hundred Years Ago
    One hundred years ago, most men in Cincinnati believed women had got all the doggone progress they deserved. Women could vote, they were driving cars, they smoked cigarettes, and some women – gasp! – had …
    989 words
  14. Kevin Cox - All Articles
    Software developer and all around nerd. I am webscale. 🇨🇦 More info

    Rich Timestamp Sharing in Instant Messaging
    A seemingly-obvious feature that I haven’t seen in any instant messenger yet. I want to be able to share a timestamp in a way that can be computer-understood and presented to the user with a …
    335 words
  15. Grizzlebit
    Bytes that get stuck in your teeth. By Ray Grasso. 🇦🇺 More info

    Lessons Learned in 35 Years of Making Software ↬
    Jim Grey: Relationships matter if you want to advance. It took me until about ten years ago to start to understand how building relationships across any company I work for is critical if I want …
    By Ray Grasso, 110 words