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  1. Other Strangeness
    My personal blog I created because I missed the old days of the internet. By Merritt K. 🇨🇦 More info

    I thought that everything would change when I got the surgery. For years, I’d been utterly miserable. Everything and everyone seemed to communicate that I was unworthy, unlovable, and inhuman. Growing up, I figured maybe …
    By merritt k, 6,863 words
  2. John Quiggin
    Commentary on Australian and world events from a socialist and democratic viewpoint. 🇦🇺 More info

    Monday Message Board
    Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’m now using Substack as a blogging platform, and for …
    By John Quiggin, 62 words
  3. ewen
    you alright, mate? 🇬🇧 More info

    Outlook and Dimensions, a pair of UK-run festivals which used to temporarily takeover Pula in Croatia each summer, are famous for putting on a boat party series across each festival. Each party sees a hundred-ish …
    721 words
  4. Epsilon's World
    🇦🇺 More info

    Retro PC builds in 2024 - Part 1
    Where time allows this year, I have been doing PC build projects for Compaq LTE Elite laptop (486), IBM Aptiva (AMD-K6 500), Compaq DeskPro (P3-1Ghz), Core i7 PC I built back in 2011, and Pentium …
    By Epsilon, 2,726 words
    By Jeff Popovich. 🇺🇸 More info

    Same Age As Me This Tilted Wreck with Deliquescent Chin
    A week from this coming Monday I'm driving to Michigan to spend a week with my daughter and son-in-law and stay in a town near the border between Blue Michigan and Red Michigan. I have …
    1,389 words
  6. Small Scale World
    Plastic Toys Soldiers, everything plastic, toy or military, including farm, zoo, space, Wild West, and all other plastic toys, models and playthings, logos, lingos, company histories and nomenclature. By Hugh Walter. 🇬🇧 More info

    News, Views Etc . . . London Show Tomorrow
    Well, this is new, I was going to write 'weird', but it's not really weird, just 'new', I'm coming at'cha from a car-park on an industrial estate having paid 4.99 for an hour's internet, which …
    By Hugh Walter, 78 words
  7. Greater Greater Washington
    Builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region and speak up for livable communities for all. 🇺🇸 More info

    Photo Friday: Gandalph the Greyscale
    This week we’re squeezing in a bit of moody greyscale before autumn’s jubilant colors justifiably take over. Savor these favorites from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool! Dreary skyline. Image by Nathan Arrington used …
    By BeyondDC, 141 words
  8. The Urban Fly Fisher
    A satirical look at brownlining... By Alistair. 🇬🇧 More info

    August Picture Dump
    An adventure you say? Alex was keen to get me on a kayak so we planned a trip to Loch Laidon via loch Ba. I gazed at the map and it did not look too …
    By Alistair, 262 words
    Film Journalism by Kimberly Lindbergs. 🇺🇸 More info

    Farewell, Alain Delon 1935-2024
    Over on my Substack, I’ve published a lengthy appreciation and defense of Alain Delon. I hope you’ll join me there! It’s accessible to anyone but please consider becoming a paying subscriber. Supporting me on Substack …
    By Kimberly Lindbergs, 60 words
  10. The VPME | New Music From The Von Pip Musical Express
    The latest new music releases, gig reviews and interviews. By Andy Von Pip. 🇬🇧 More info

    Something For The Weekend: This Week’s New Music Recommendations (W/E 20/09/2024)
    Here’s a quick round-up of new music this week! The Headline Track: Sunday (1994) – “Blossom” Sunday (1994) has done it again with another perfect track in the form of “Blossom.” The band masterfully balances …
    By Andy Von Pip, 418 words
  11. The Echo Chamber 🇬🇧 More info

    The firebox
    By ijstock, 3 words
  12. Twenty Four Frames
    Notes on Film by John Greco. 🇺🇸 More info

    Publication Day
    Not movie related but… TRANSGESSIONS, my latest collection of short stories is out now as an eBook and paperback. You can order your copy here. If you like it please consider leaving a review on …
    By John Greco, 40 words
  13. Brewing In A Bedsitter
    Adventures in small batch homebrew. By DaveS. 🇬🇧 More info

    Terroir - putting the locally sourced boot in
    All beer geeks like to occasionally have something that reminds us of when we were first getting into craft beer, so I enjoyed seeing some proper Beer Discourse triggered by a Matt Curtis article yesterday. …
    By DaveS, 581 words
  14. Igor Pak's blog
    Views on life and math. 🇺🇸 More info

    The bunkbed conjecture is false
    What follows is an unusual story of perseverance. We start with a conjecture and after some plot twists end up discussing the meaning of truth. While the title is a spoiler, you might not be …
    By igorpak, 1,346 words
  15. Direbane: An RPG Home Brewed Repository
    An abode to share artifacts, simulacra, histories, and other items of note related to ongoing years adventuring. By Matrox Lusch. 🇺🇸 More info

    At Last .... The Cube World
    (Ha, and why it's good none of the players read my blog.)(Northern Continent Detail by Zak S.)I had been intending to run Zak Smith's Cube World setting since Zak began to publish the installments back …
    By Matrox Lusch, 823 words