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  1. Calum Ryan - Articles
    Making websites, focusing on accessibility, inclusivity and performance. 🇬🇧 More info

    Weeknote 92
    Once again my building management company are requesting additional fees for backdated charges for maintenance fees years before I moved here. Time again to write to my local MP and persist with claiming reimbursement for …
    227 words
  2. Justin Pinkney
    Most of the things on this website are either about Generative Art or Deep Learning or the combination of the two. 🇬🇧 More info

    Trailer Faces HQ Dataset
    A dataset of 187 thousand high resolution face images from movie trailers! Download it from huggingface. # Before the advent of giant web scale image datasets FFHQ used to be considered a big dataset full …
    934 words
  3. Hazel McNab – News
    Bring the natural world into your home with my stunning range of hand-printed artworks. 🇬🇧 More info

    Back in July 22 I visited Kynance Cove on a gorgeous July evening with my sister. We swam in the sparkling water and I came home with lots of inspiring photos. April 23 I produced …
    By Hazel McNab, 416 words
  4. Sibylla Bostoniensis
    Everything Unravels, Everything Will Fade. By Siderea. 🇺🇸 More info

    Credit protection products? [banking, US]
    Hey, Americans and others in the know about the American credit reporting bureaus system,We have a reason to believe that one of our social security numbers has been compromised, though not yet used for ill. …
    58 words
  5. Carl Barenbrug
    A product designer and creative director at Minimalissimo and 099. 🇬🇧 More info

    Ritual, a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects. When you hear this word, where does your mind take you? For me, I find myself asking, what's the difference between a ritual …
    By Carl Barenbrug, 404 words
    A science fiction and fantasy books reviews blog, with regular reviews of diverse novels. By C. More info

    Karen Lord, The Blue, Beautiful World
    Karen Lord, The Blue, Beautiful World, Del Rey, 2023.Audiobook available.The Blue, Beautiful World is a fascinating science-fiction stand-alone novel about first contact. Owen is a global music star. The crowds flock to his concerts, commune …
    600 words
  7. Flamed Fury
    My personal homepage, full of stuff that means everything to me, and nothing to you. 🇳🇿 More info

    Wellington Brick Show 2024
    What’s up, Internet? In the continued efforts to keep our young family entertained on the weekends we decended upon the Wellington Brick Show 2024 put on by the Wellington Lego User Group. If you think …
    412 words
    speaking my truth. By Mark Hurty. 🇺🇸 More info

    Ashland Water
    I normally try to avoid arousing the trolls on our local Nextdoor site, but occasionally I get interested in a particular item. Such was the case the other day when one of our local curmudgeons …
    By Mark, 384 words
  9. Othmar's Trombone
    I'm just a teacher, standing in front of a class, asking them to be quiet and listen. By jamestheo. 🇬🇧 More info

    L’esprit de l’escalier
    She said, I don’t think I can do this anymore. I love you but I can’t do this. I said, But if you love me, why can’t you try? She said, It’s over. I said, …
    By jamestheo, 304 words
  10. nitrateglow
    I like to viddy the old films now and then. 🇺🇸 More info

    The 11th Annual Rule, Britannia Blogathon: Corridor of Mirrors (dir. Terence Young, 1948)
    Image source: IMDB This post is for the 11th Annual Rule, Britannia Blogathon, a celebration of British cinema past and present hosted by A Shroud of Thoughts. When bored party girl Milfanwy Conway (Edana Romney) …
    By nitrateglow, 1,250 words
  11. The Zozzled Cocktail
    A drinker's guide to historic cocktailing. More info

    Harvard Cooler
    Summer is here. Time to cool off. Cocktail coolers have long been a fixture in the mixological world. This particular refresher comes from the classic Savoy Cocktail Book of 1930. Like their cousins, Tom Collins …
    By Robert H., 143 words
  12. Ben Viveur
    The Epicurean musings of Benjamin Nunn. Recipes. Reviews. Beer. Swearing. 🇬🇧 More info

    BV London Pub of the Year 2023-24 - the results
    What takes place once a year and involves me drinking large quantities of beer? Well, OK, it could be practically anything, admittedly, but, more specifically, it's the BV London Pub of the Year award. Yes, …
    By Benjamin Nunn, 470 words
  13. everything changes
    I work with individuals, teams, and organizations who are looking to make a change in their work with intention and integrity. By Mandy Brown. 🇺🇸 More info

    All on the table
    Liz Lopatto once memorably wrote that Wall Street is “what happens when you mix money with feelings.” I want to build on that and posit that perhaps money is what happens when you mix money …
    By Mandy Brown, 1,260 words
  14. Lea Verou • Blog
    I have a long-standing passion for open web standards. 🇺🇸 More info

    Making the Web more Awesome — for everyone
    Folks, I have some exciting news to share. 🤩 Today I start a new chapter in my career. After a decade at MIT, teaching and doing research at the intersection of usability and programming language …
    792 words
  15. Adrian's Corner - Posts
    On coding, tech, privacy, AI and whatever else comes to this mind. By Adrian Schönig. 🇦🇺 More info

    Upgrading to a 2024 iPad Air from a 2018 iPad Pro
    My 2018 12.9 iPad Pro has been one of my greatest tech purchases. I’ve used it nearly every day for the last 5.5 years, and it’s still in great shape. Why upgrade now? While I’m …
    631 words