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Scientist Sees Squirrel

Seldom original. Often wrong. Occasionally interesting.

  • By Stephen Heard
  • Based in Canada
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

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Jun 2023 1
Jul 2023 4
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Most recent posts

Shopping cart returns and a philosophy of collaboration
I used to be extremely diligent about returning shopping carts to cart-return corrals. But recently, at the supermarket where I usually shop, I’ve found myself being sloppier, and I’m having trouble being bothered by that. …
On , by ScientistSeesSquirrel, 64 words
In which I experiment with a new way of recommending, and finding, books
If you read a lot of books (like I do), and especially if what you read is a bit all over the map (as it is for me), then you’ll likely be interested in my …
On , by ScientistSeesSquirrel, 69 words
“Curious Species”: a historian’s take on how animals resisted being made sense of
I’ve been fascinated for a long time by the early days of (European) science – roughly, the time from the 16th to early 19th centuries when we were essentially inventing science as a process. Sure, …
On , by ScientistSeesSquirrel, 69 words