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Blogs about Natural world

18 blogs about Natural world.

  1. APHA Science Blog
    News and updates from the Animal and Plant Health Agency on science. 🇬🇧 More info

    World Zoonoses Day: Tackling the challenge of vector-borne diseases
    World Zoonoses Day falls annually on 6 July On 4 July 1885, a Parisian boy by the name of Joseph Meister was badly bitten by a rabid dog. At the time, this was almost certainly …
    By Calam Bruce, 807 words
  2. The Apiarist - Blog
    Weekly posts on the science and practice of beekeeping. Bees, honey, swarms, bad backs, stings and just about everything else as well. By David Evans. 🇬🇧 More info

    Amitraz resistance
    If I used AI-generated post titles, this week's offering would have been called something like "Ten things you need to know about mite treatment" or "What Vita-Pharma doesn't tell you about Apivar".But I don't. Instead, …
    By David (The Apiarist), 351 words
  3. The Birdist
    Birds and Birding. By Nick Lund. 🇺🇸 More info

    Birds in Video Games: California Games and Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage (NES)
    I am old enough that I plated the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) when it was new. It ruled. We had our own console and games, but we also partook in the time-honored and must-missed …
    By NickL, 548 words
  4. Carnivorous Plants - Botanical Photography -
    Field reports about carnivorous plants and botanical oddities in their native habitats. Photos of wild specimines of Drosera, Pinguicula, and Darlingtonia. By Forbes Conrad. 🇲🇽 More info

    Stylidium debile in Cultivation
    Léelo en español Years ago, I grew Stylidium debile in California. After a long period of not growing any carnivorous plants, a friend gave me this division, which just began to flower. Yes, yes, this …
    By Forbes Conrad, 209 words
  5. David Bradley
    Science Communication since 1989. 🇬🇧 More info

    Never Grows Old – A song
    A tale of stolen lands and ancestors Genre Fluid by Dave Bradley Never Grows Old I’m riding through the sacred lands Where they’ll take you down and they’ll break your hands Riding in the shotgun …
    By David Bradley, 268 words
  6. Fossil Huntress
    Musings in natural history meant to captivate, educate & inspire. Deepen your world. 🇨🇦 More info

    Titanites occidentalis, Fernie AmmoniteThe Fernie ammonite, Titanites occidentalis, from outcrops on Coal Mountain near Fernie, British Columbia, Canada. This beauty is the remains of a carnivorous cephalopod within the family Dorsoplanitidae that lived and died …
    By FossilHuntress, 65 words
  7. Goat-O-Rama
    Put some color in your herd! By Nan Hassey, Phil Hassey. 🇺🇸 More info

    Farewell Finn
    We laid our precious boy Finn to rest this afternoon. We don’t know what caused his decline, but he was losing weight throughout the spring and looked unthrifty. He went almost totally off feed about …
    By Nan Hassey, 317 words
  8. The Hazel Tree
    by Jo Woolf. 🇬🇧 More info

    A writing update
    A new children's book now available, and updates about other projects
    By Jo Woolf, 14 words
  9. Julian Hoffman
    Notes from Near and Far. 🇬🇷 More info

    The Spirit of the Wetlands
    “For more than two decades now I’ve lived alongside the pelicans of the Prespa lakes in northern Greece. These birds are—for so many, residents and visitors alike—simply an astonishing and seamless part of being here. …
    By julianhoffman, 67 words
  10. Natural History Journal
    Notes from a California Naturalist. By Siera Nystrom. 🇺🇸 More info

    Abundant Life
    Nature is all about life - and death.As lovers of the natural world, we delight in the abundant, thriving, humming life all around us, which is at no time of the year more apparent than …
    By Siera Nystrom, 350 words
  11. The Panda’s Thumb
    By Matt Young. More info

    Cheap fossils for only $55!
    Our colleague Dan Phelps, vigilant as usual, has just sent us [a] nice video by Dr. Joel Duff about collecting fossils at outcrops adjacent to the Ark Park. I was at these outcrops several years …
    By Matt Young, 418 words
  12. Ramblings of a Naturalist
    As an ecologist and biodiversity researcher and recorder, the author visits a wide range of rural and urban habitats mainly close to his home in Sedlescombe near Hastings, East Sussex, UK. By Patrick Roper. 🇬🇧 More info

    A trip to Glen More, 1954
    My first trip to Scotland was when I was sixteen. At the end of the summer term I was asked not to return to Lancing College, my boarding school, as I was deemed ineducable. My …
    By Patrick Roper, 1,563 words
  13. Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week | SV-POW!
    All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. By Michael P. Taylor, Mathew J. Wedel, Darren Naish. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 More info

    PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology has been hijacked
    Back in our annus mirabilis of 2013, one of the Wedel-and-Taylor papers was Neural spine bifurcation in sauropod dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation: ontogenetic and phylogenetic implications (Wedel and Taylor 2013). We this published in …
    By Mike Taylor, 389 words
  14. Scientist Sees Squirrel
    Seldom original. Often wrong. Occasionally interesting. By Stephen Heard. 🇨🇦 More info

    Shopping cart returns and a philosophy of collaboration
    I used to be extremely diligent about returning shopping carts to cart-return corrals. But recently, at the supermarket where I usually shop, I’ve found myself being sloppier, and I’m having trouble being bothered by that. …
    By ScientistSeesSquirrel, 64 words
  15. Southern Rockies Nature Blog
    Where Nature Meets Culture—Plus Wildfire, Dogs, Environmental News, and Writing with a Southern Rockies Perspective. By Chas S. Clifton. 🇺🇸 More info

    Travels: The Great Dismal Swamp and a Rebellion
    Last April, while visiting the Virginia coast for my wife's family reunion (more on that below), I held out for the one thing that I wanted to do — to see at least some of …
    By Chas S. Clifton, 622 words
  16. Springwatch - BBC Blogs
    Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch Blog. A place to talk UK Nature. 🇬🇧 More info

    Discover toads and how you can help them
    Written by Cathy Robinson, nature and travel writer, for Naturehood at Earthwatch Europe Have you been lucky enough to spot a pair of copper-coloured eyes peeping out from a hidey hole this spring? If you …
    By Earthwatch Europe, 833 words
  17. Stephen Bodio
    Notes from Tiger Country. By Stephen Bodio, Libby Frishman-Bodio, John Burchard, Reid Farmer, Sea Run. 🇺🇸 More info

    Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
    Eagle Hunting ancient practice – Mongolia There are about 250 Kazakh eagle hunters in the Altai Mountains in western Mongolia and it takes five years to finish training with eagles to become an eagle hunter …
    By Sea Run, 74 words
  18. Tetrapod Zoology
    Discussion of all things tetrapod and vertebrate palaeontology, and many things not. By Darren Naish. 🇬🇧 More info

    Grayiids: Africa Has Water Snakes Too
    You’ll recall that my aim for 2024 is to rescue and revamp a good deal of old squamate-themed material from the Tet Zoo archives…. Caption: Smith’s African snake Grayia smythii (…. or should that be …
    By Darren Naish, 4,132 words