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Dan Mall’s Posts

Read about how to grow in design systems, design process, and design leadership.

  • By Dan Mall
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Dec 2023 3
Jan 2024 4
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 6
Apr 2024 4
May 2024 5
Jun 2024 4
Jul 2024 5

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Most recent posts

A Response to ‘Hiring Help’
I posted last week about hiring some design and development help to take some stuff of my plate. I received a lot of responses in many different forms. Some saw what I was offering as …
On , by Dan Mall, 877 words
Hiring Help
I’m looking to hire someone to help me with some design and web development needs. I’m not quite ready to do that right now, but I will be soon. I designed and built my first …
On , by Dan Mall, 1,520 words
The Project Within the Project
Within every project, I believe there is a project worth doing. You may get a new client with a problem to solve, like “redesign our website to help us get more customers.” Your boss may …
On , by Dan Mall, 386 words