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LogRocket Blog

For Frontend Developers and Web App Engineers.

  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly three posts per day
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jan 2023 23
Feb 2023 113
Mar 2023 123
Apr 2023 124
May 2023 126
Jun 2023 138
Jul 2023 131
Aug 2023 120
Sep 2023 103
Oct 2023 115
Nov 2023 111
Dec 2023 105
Jan 2024 97
Feb 2024 88
Mar 2024 86
Apr 2024 94
May 2024 101
Jun 2024 75
Jul 2024 81

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Neumorphism: The new trend in UI design
The fall of flat design over the last few years has caused many new trends to appear in user interface design. These new design trends have broken away from flat design’s overly simple visuals and …
On , by Allie Paschal, 3,156 words
RxJS adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives
The Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript, or RxJS, is famous for being a reactive programming library that uses Observables. If this doesn’t make sense to you, no worries — that’s why this guide is relevant. …
On , by Emmanuel Odioko, 3,886 words
A deep dive into the continuous improvement process (CIP)
As a PM, you know the struggle of balancing product delivery with the best possible outcome. Pressure to keep up with the competition forces the development process to move at a pace that introduces the …
On , by Bindiya Thakkar, 1,550 words