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Chen Hui Jing

The chronicles of a self-taught designer and developer.

  • By Chen Hui Jing
  • Based in Singapore
  • Roughly 12 posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per year

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per year
Year starting Posts
2020 2
2021 4
2022 9
2023 7
2024 7

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

How to try experimental CSS features
I love that browsers are now shipping new CSS features that may not necessarily have been fully baked yet behind feature flags. I can’t actually pinpoint the exact date or event that started this, but …
On , 1,098 words
Generating a weekly calendar from JSON data
The original purpose of this blog was for me to document solutions that I spent hours figuring out at work, which means it’s not my code therefore I cannot take it wholesale with me. I …
On , 882 words
Creating excerpts in Astro
This blog is running on Hugo. It had previously been running on Jekyll. Both these SSGs ship with the ability to create excerpts from your markdown content in 1 line or thereabouts. /* Hugo */ …
On , 694 words