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A Bigger Camera

  • By Darin Boville
  • Based in United States of America
  • First post on

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Books On My Desk: Buried Things in the Sand, Buried Things in Your Mind
Egypt and the Holy Land in Historic Photographs. 77 Views by Francis Frith.Introduction by Julia Van Haaften, Selection and Commentary by Jon E Manic WhitePublished by Dover Publications, 1980 Frith was an English photographer in …
On , by Darin Boville, 616 words
What if you made landscape images and put owls at their center, in fact, what if you let the owl, by its location, more or less determine the framing of the image? You’d be making …
On , by Darin Boville, 101 words
Your Rugs Are Trying to Kill You
Public service announcement: Get rid of your rugs. On April 18, as I was about to leave the house to photograph two owl chicks that my wife had spotted near the elementary school in our …
On , by Darin Boville, 412 words