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Flaming Pablum

Hopefully an Interesting, Informative and Amusing Experiment and Not A Slavishly Masturbatory Exercise in Abject Time-Wasting.

  • By Alex in NYC
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly four posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Feb 2023 2
Mar 2023 23
Apr 2023 13
May 2023 16
Jun 2023 7
Jul 2023 10
Aug 2023 11
Sep 2023 13
Oct 2023 17
Nov 2023 13
Dec 2023 10
Jan 2024 13
Feb 2024 14
Mar 2024 11
Apr 2024 19
May 2024 19
Jun 2024 17
Jul 2024 15

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

32 Summers Later: Sonic Youth in Central Park
Spotted the clip below, this morning, and it struck me for two reasons. Firstly, it underscored the recent negation of the MTV News archives, which still completely confounds me. Secondly, it reminds me of a …
On , by Alex in NYC, 628 words
Exhuming The Stencil
I’m always amazed when someone writes in about something I posted eons ago. I mean, I am still routinely fielding comments about the whole Radiohead/Chuck Kolsterman thing (a story that will seemingly never go away), …
On , by Alex in NYC, 487 words
Downtown & East in Pictures
I've shared several of these before, but herewith a clutch of photos of mine of the East Village and Lower East Side in the mid-to-late `90s and early 2000's. Click on each to enlarge. Enjoy.
On , by Alex in NYC, 40 words