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The Visual Science Lab / Kirk

Austin, Texas Portrait Photographer's Blog about Photography, Art and Writing by Kirk Tuck.

  • By Kirk Tuck
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly nine posts per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 7
Nov 2022 33
Dec 2022 42
Jan 2023 42
Feb 2023 33
Mar 2023 35
Apr 2023 51
May 2023 40
Jun 2023 28
Jul 2023 34
Aug 2023 28
Sep 2023 29
Oct 2023 54
Nov 2023 36
Dec 2023 18
Jan 2024 44
Feb 2024 24
Mar 2024 47
Apr 2024 38
May 2024 19
Jun 2024 2
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Kinky Friedman. Writer. Musician. Candidate for Texas Governor. R.I.P.
Kinky Friedman. ©2010 Kirk TuckI just read that Kinky Friedman passed away. He was a legendary Texan. A performer, musician, political candidate and a writer of detective novels. I photographed him years ago for a …
On , by Kirk, Photographer/Writer, 140 words
Go here for more fun:
No longer hosting comments here. Go shoot something fun.
On , by Kirk, Photographer/Writer, 15 words
I'm transitioning to a new blog at a new address. It matches up with career and lifestyle changes that seem inevitable. But don't worry, the immaturity you've enjoyed will be preserved and nurtured. of mannequins and skyscrapers? Can't help you there.....I'm bored with stories about work. Gear has become silly to think about. I'm tired of posting safe stuff that doesn't ruffle feathers. I'm ready to start …
On , by Kirk, Photographer/Writer, 124 words