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American Age Fashion

The Clothing of Older American Women, 1900-now.

  • By Lynn Mally
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

The Faces of Age in the Saturday Evening Post
For a new research project, I’ve been looking through the Saturday Evening Post in the early twentieth century. If you pay a mere $7 a year, you get access to every issue—a bargain in my …
On , by Lynn, 245 words
Party Time, 1962
Found photo On the back of this photo, someone has written in green ink “July ’62. Celi’s party. Camp.” At first I thought it might be some kind of amateur theatrical event, with a painted …
On , by Lynn, 223 words
Waltzes from Chicago, 1931
In 1931 British Pathé, a wonderful source of historic newsreels and documentaries, filmed a celebration of Chicago oldsters dancing to a German oompha band. Reader Davrie Caro sent me the short clip, which you can …
On , by Lynn, 274 words