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Stefan Judis Web Development

Developer, writer and speaker. I love building things for the web. And I love writing sharing things about the web.

  • By Stefan Judis
  • Based in Germany
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Mar 2023 7
Apr 2023 9
May 2023 4
Jun 2023 5
Jul 2023 6
Aug 2023 10
Sep 2023 3
Oct 2023 7
Nov 2023 2
Dec 2023 5
Jan 2024 10
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 12
Apr 2024 8
May 2024 5
Jun 2024 9
Jul 2024 4

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Web Weekly #139 (#blogPost)
Guten Tag! Guten Tag! 👋How big must action elements be to be WCAG-compliant? What's the difference between CSS :host, :host() and :host-content()? And should you adopt multi-keyword display values like display: block grid? Turn on …
On , 1,416 words
Forms without an accessible name are not exposed as ARIA landmarks (#tilPost)
Suppose you want to be a good web citizen; you use semantic and accessible HTML. Elements "leading places" are a elements, your navigation lives in a nav element, buttons are ... well ... buttons, and …
On , 581 words
Web Weekly #138 (#blogPost)
Guten Tag! Guten Tag! 👋What features entered cross-browser support last week? Aren't utility-first classes the same as inline styles? When would you use CSS clip-path? Turn on the Web Weekly tune and find all the …
On , 1,709 words