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Julia Bausenhardt Blog

Illustration + Nature Sketching.

  • By Julia Bausenhardt
  • Based in Germany
  • Roughly three posts per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2022 1
Oct 2022 2
Nov 2022 2
Dec 2022 2
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 3
Mar 2023 3
Apr 2023 3
May 2023 5
Jun 2023 3
Jul 2023 4
Aug 2023 2
Sep 2023 2
Oct 2023 2
Nov 2023 4
Dec 2023 1
Jan 2024 0
Feb 2024 0
Mar 2024 1
Apr 2024 2
May 2024 4
Jun 2024 3
Jul 2024 2

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Gardening, sketching and trying out new inks
I’ve been enjoying the time in my community garden a lot lately, and I thought it would be nice to sketch a few things related to gardening, too. I’m not really up to date to …
On , by Julia, 66 words
Tips for more precise drawings by measuring angles
When you’re drawing, it can sometimes be hard to get some of the angles right, or to draw shapes in the right size. Translating what’s in front of you to the paper is challenging. This …
On , by Julia, 67 words
Adding white details on top of watercolor
I’ve tried lots of different white pens and paints for adding highlights to my sketches, looking for a portable and really opaque(!) white. I’ve tried all kinds of gel pens, gouache, acrylic ink, colored pencils…you …
On , by Julia, 66 words