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  • By John Scalzi
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly eight posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2023 28
Oct 2023 48
Nov 2023 41
Dec 2023 44
Jan 2024 31
Feb 2024 36
Mar 2024 27
Apr 2024 32
May 2024 32
Jun 2024 33
Jul 2024 31

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Hay Bales Sling, Are You Listening
The terrible pun in the headline is its own reward (or crime, depending), but I will say that I was moved to look out the office window because I heard an odd noise and couldn’t …
On , by John Scalzi, 126 words
It’s Harder to Stab When You’re Being Punched in the Face
Peruse, if you will, what I believe is one of the first press releases from the Harris campaign, released after a Fox News appearance by Donald Trump earlier today: Two points to make here. The …
On , by John Scalzi, 211 words
Smudge, Leading His Best Life
In all the hubbub of the last few days, thought you might appreciate a soothing picture of a cat. I know I sure do. And Smudge is a world leader in just following his bliss. …
On , by John Scalzi, 52 words