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The Plainspoken Scientist - AGU Blogosphere

The science communication blog of AGU’s Sharing Science program.

  • Based in United States of America
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

What makes a river a river?
Close your eyes and picture a river…go on, do it! What did you see? Did you picture a clear, deep mountain stream? A raging river in a steep gorge? A creek with grassy banks and …
On , by Shane Hanlon, 592 words
Science Communication: How it benefits a STEM research career
By Sarah Lamm Many STEM professionals hold the misconception that engaging in science communication can hinder the progress of budding and established research careers. However, it is not necessary to choose between engaging in outreach …
On , by Shane Hanlon, 479 words
#AntarcticLog: Something in the water
#AntarcticLog is a series of comics by Karen Romano Young intended to educate and inspire through sciart. You can find the originals here. The poles make the difference in the size of certain animals. Here …
On , by Shane Hanlon, 157 words