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Blogs about Earth science

  1. Atmospheric science (8)

14 blogs about Earth science.

  1. Canadian Climate Institute - Blog
    Various topics related to climate change and climate policy. 🇨🇦 More info

    How to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition? Treat it like health care
    Canada’s electricity grid needs a massive expansion to handle a doubling demand by 2050. The post How to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition? Treat it like health care appeared first on Canadian Climate Institute.
    By Aiman Ghori, 46 words
  2. Dr. Roseanne Chambers – Blog
    Geologist, geographer and writer in the San Francisco Bay Area. 🇺🇸 More info

    Toxic Fumes and Ancient Oracles
    Oracles—those who speak from worlds unseen—have a long and colorful history. Since ancient times, many have believed oracles were portals through which the gods spoke directly to people, providing wise counsel or making prophesies. Explanations …
    By Roseanne Chambers, 1,268 words
  3. Earth Science Picture of the Day - a service of USRA
    Highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. 🇺🇸 More info

    Berlin Falls of South Africa
    Photographer: Louise van der Meulen Summary Authors: Louise van der Meulen; Jim Foster Shown above is the breathtaking Berlin Falls (Berlyn Falls) in northeastern South Africa. These falls are on the Sabie River and stand …
    102 words
  4. Editors’ Vox - Eos
    Eos is the science news magazine published by AGU [Advancing Earth and Space Science]. 🇺🇸 More info

    Fossilized Shells Reveal the Seasonality of a Warmer Climate
    Climate simulations created by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate that the planet could warm roughly 3°C by the end of the century under intermediate carbon emissions scenarios. But how such …
    By Sierra Bouchér, 776 words
  5. Fossil Huntress
    Musings in natural history meant to captivate, educate & inspire. Deepen your world. 🇨🇦 More info

    Titanites occidentalis, Fernie AmmoniteThe Fernie ammonite, Titanites occidentalis, from outcrops on Coal Mountain near Fernie, British Columbia, Canada. This beauty is the remains of a carnivorous cephalopod within the family Dorsoplanitidae that lived and died …
    By FossilHuntress, 65 words
  6. From a Glacier's Perspective - AGU Blogosphere
    Glacier change in a world of climate change. By Mauri Pelto. 🇺🇸 More info

    Seward, Alaska Area Coastal Glacier Change 1986-2023
    Change in terminus position of coastal glaciers in the Sewqrd region. On this 2023 Landsat image yellow dots are ther 2023 terminus and red dots the 1986 terminus. Turn east along the coast from Seward …
    By mspelto, 786 words
  7. Georneys – Geological Musings, Wanderings, and Adventures
    Geological musings, wanderings, and adventures. By Evelyn Mervine. 🇺🇸 More info

    Coming Soon!
    This will be the new home of my blog Georneys. I’ll be moving all of my posts here from the AGU blogosphere – and starting some new blogging in 2024. Stay tuned!
    By Evelyn Mervine, 34 words
  8. Geotripper
    I am a teacher of geology at Modesto Junior College and former president of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Far Western Section. By Garry Hayes. 🇺🇸 More info

    Visiting Hawai'i...for the Limestone Caverns? (Part one)
    People visit Hawai'i for a great many reasons. There are the stereotypical reasons: beautiful beaches, surfing, palm trees, luaus and so on. There are other reasons: a wish to learn about the culture of the …
    By Garry Hayes, 760 words
  9. The Landslide Blog - AGU Blogosphere
    Provides commentary and analysis of landslide events occurring worldwide, including the landslides themselves, latest research, and conferences and meetings. By Dave Petley. 🇬🇧 More info

    A new home for the Landslide Blog
    A new home for the Landslide Blog I started this blog on 16 December 2007 – that feels like a long time ago now – as a site on Blogger. In 2010, the American Geophysical …
    By Dave Petley, 270 words
  10. Mountain Beltway - AGU Blogosphere
    By Callan Bentley. 🇺🇸 More info

    Swan song
    Trumpeter Swan observed last week at Ragged Mountain Reservoir, near Charlottesville, Virginia Well, this is it: The last post at Mountain Beltway here at the AGU Blogosphere. AGU has been so accommodating, hosting my blog …
    By Callan Bentley, 284 words
  11. The Plainspoken Scientist - AGU Blogosphere
    The science communication blog of AGU’s Sharing Science program. 🇺🇸 More info

    What makes a river a river?
    Close your eyes and picture a river…go on, do it! What did you see? Did you picture a clear, deep mountain stream? A raging river in a steep gorge? A creek with grassy banks and …
    By Shane Hanlon, 592 words
  12. Southern Fried Science
    Over 15 years of ocean science and conservation online. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Connection timed out’.

    We already know what another Trump Presidency would mean for the ocean
    Yesterday, we published a rundown of all the ways in which Trump’s Project 2025 would impact ocean science and conservation. Trump’s Project 2025 is an agenda, a glimpse at what a future administration might do. …
    By Andrew Thaler, 83 words
  13. Spooky Geology
    Earth mysteries, weird locations, anomalous phenomena. By Sharon A. Hill. 🇺🇸 More info

    Freaky Friday newsblips for 19 July 2024
    I found a mixed bag of fun items that I wanted to share. So here’s a Freaky Friday buffet… Squaring the circles A square crop circle appeared at Normanton Down Barrows, near Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England …
    By Sharon A. Hill, 635 words
  14. VolcanoCafe
    Because Volcanoes are Ewesome. More info

    A whole volcano tourist mega tour of São Miguel Island. Part II
    Part 2: The Volcanoes In this part we are touring the volcanoes of São Miguel. I wanted to write a good tour post on these and as told in part one it is meant as …
    By Jesper Sandberg, 67 words