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Criminal Element

Mysteries, Thrillers, and all things Killer!

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Mar 2023 23
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Most recent posts

Book Review: May the Wolf Die by Elizabeth Heider
Elizabeth Heider’s debut novel, May the Wolf Die, sets a frenetic pace. It’s a thriller infused with insider knowledge—of complicated quasi-governmental machinations that underlay the plot as well as detailed descriptions of Naples. Heider is …
On , by Janet Webb, 64 words
Book Review: Wilderness Reform by Matt Query & Harrison Query
Ben Thibodaux is a juvenile delinquent. After getting arrested for attempting to hold up a convenience store with a fake gun, he’s discovered to have stolen a boat and broken into a string of fishing …
On , by Doreen Sheridan, 65 words
Q&A with Kim Mager, co-author of A Hunger to Kill
A Hunger to Kill is a fascinating and profoundly chilling account of how Detective Kim Mager, a real-life version of Clarice Starling, closed in on—and broke—one of Ohio’s most infamous serial killers, Shawn Grate. Read …
On , by Lisa Pulitzer, 65 words