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Blogs about Crime and mystery books

10 blogs about Crime and mystery books.

  1. Beneath the Stains of Time
    Welcome to the niche corner, dedicated to the great detective stories of yore and their neo-classical descendants. By TomCat. More info

    They Can't Hang Me (1938) by James Ronald
    In 2023, Moonstone Press published Stories of Crime & Detection, vol. 1: The Dr. Britling Stories (2023), collecting three novelettes, the once elusive novel Six Were to Die (1932) and an excellent non-series short story …
    By TomCat, 1,475 words
  2. Bitter Tea and Mystery
    Where I list what I read and my reactions. Mystery is my genre, leaning towards  traditional mysteries and police procedurals. By TracyK. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Cast of Falcons: Steve Burrows
    A Cast of Falcons is the third book in the Birder Murder Mystery series by Steve Burrows. The author is Canadian and this is the first book I have read for the Canadian Reading Challenge. …
    By TracyK, 466 words
  3. Criminal Element
    Mysteries, Thrillers, and all things Killer! More info

    Book Review: May the Wolf Die by Elizabeth Heider
    Elizabeth Heider’s debut novel, May the Wolf Die, sets a frenetic pace. It’s a thriller infused with insider knowledge—of complicated quasi-governmental machinations that underlay the plot as well as detailed descriptions of Naples. Heider is …
    By Janet Webb, 64 words
  4. Cross Examining Crime
    By Kate Jackson. 🇬🇧 More info

    Prisoner’s Base (1967) by Celia Fremlin
    It has been great seeing Celia Fremlin’s work receive more attention in recent years, with Faber & Faber reprinting some of her novels such as The Hours Before Dawn (1958) and The Long Shadow (1975). …
    By armchairreviewer, 2,421 words
  5. Multo (Ghost)
    Ghosts of story, myth, or anywhere else.... By Nina Zumel. More info

    The Origin of Stories: A Seneca Tale
    Second in a series of myths about myths, inspired by Rosalind Kerven’s article “The Mythical Origins of Myths” in FLS News, the newsletter of the Folklore Society, Issue 102, February 2024. The Origin of Stories …
    By Nina Zumel, 903 words
  6. Mystery*File
    Devoted to mystery and detective fiction. By Steve Lewis. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Movie Review by Dan Stumpf: STRANGERS KISS (1983).
    REVIEWED BY DAN STUMPF: STRANGERS KISS. Orion, 1983. Peter Coyote, Victoria Tennant, Blaine Novak, Dan Shor, Richard Romanus, and Linda Kerridge. Written by Blaine Novak & Matthew Chapman. Directed by Matthew Chapman. A niche film, …
    By Steve, 387 words
  7. The Passing Tramp
    Wandering through the mystery genre, book by book. By Curtis Evans. 🇺🇸 More info

    Shinju: The 1939 Deaths of Sir William and Lady (Beatrice) Reid and the Genesis of Agatha Christie's Elephants Can Remember (1972)
    "Did her mother kill her father or was it the father who killed the mother?"--Bossy Mrs. Burton-Cox badgers Ariadne Oliver about the deaths of General Sir Alistair Ravenscroft and Lady Ravenscroft in Elephants Can Remember"I …
    By The Passing Tramp, 4,369 words
  8. Pretty Sinister Books
    Crime, Supernatural and Adventure fiction. Obscure, Forgotten and Well Worth Reading. By J F Norris. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Glass Heart - Marty Holland
    Down on his luck Curt Blair is waiting out a rainstorm in a “ritzy hash joint” just outside of Hollywood, USA when he steals a fancy camel hair overcoat then flees intending to sell the …
    By J F Norris, 1,269 words
  9. Spy Write
    Reviewing and collecting spy fiction and nonfiction. By Jeff Quest. 🇺🇸 More info

    Barbican Station – The Secret Hours by Mick Herron – Review with Tim Shipman
    Find all previous and future episodes listed here or in your podcast app under “Barbican Station”. This week we are back to talk about Mick Herron’s latest book – The Secret Hours! I’m pleased to …
    By Spy Write, 208 words
  10. Up and Down These Mean Streets
    In 1977 Don Herron began leading The Dashiell Hammett Tour, now the longest-running literary tour in the nation. 🇺🇸 More info

    Rediscovered: The Burnt Machens
    Speaking of burnt books, the most notorious examples I personally saw in a bookstore, actually offered for sale, were several first edition Arthur Machen titles. Early stuff. Fin de siècle. Previous siècle. I remember a …
    By Don, 634 words