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Uncovering the silent era.

  • By Lea S.
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly three posts per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Dec 2022 1
Jan 2023 5
Feb 2023 6
Mar 2023 5
Apr 2023 5
May 2023 1
Jun 2023 5
Jul 2023 5
Aug 2023 2
Sep 2023 2
Oct 2023 4
Nov 2023 2
Dec 2023 3
Jan 2024 2
Feb 2024 4
Mar 2024 4
Apr 2024 4
May 2024 2
Jun 2024 2
Jul 2024 4

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

It’s Sunshine Award Time!
Recently my fellow film blogger nitrateglow nominated me for a Sunshine Award! If you haven’t heard of something like this before, these kinds of blogging awards are a fun way of connecting with other bloggers …
On , by Lea S., 48 words
Reactions To The Paris Premiere Of The New “Napoleon” (1927) Restoration
Paris has been all over news a lot lately, thanks to a major event that was scheduled to take place there this very month. Might I add: taking place finally, after years of news, hype, …
On , by Lea S., 55 words
The Keystone Film Company Wishes You All A Happy 4th!
This cool image was shared on the Edendale Cyclorama Facebook page recently, with some festive trimmings added. Today being the glorious Fourth, I thought you’d like to see it–Independence Day being celebrated with a BBQ …
On , by Lea S., 54 words