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Blogs about Silent film

9 blogs about Silent film.

  1. Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd film locations (and more)
    by John Bengtson "the great detective of silent film locations" New York Times. 🇺🇸 More info

    Mack Swain’s Santa Monica Adventures with Laurel & Hardy, Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd
    Imagine a “lost” silent film providing detailed views of where Laurel & Hardy, Roscoe Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Charlie Chaplin once filmed. This time it’s the 1918 Mack Swain L-KO comedy Adventurous Ambrose, …
    By John Bengtson, 755 words
  2. Cinematica
    Vintage stuff from quieter times. Films, ephemera, housewares, but mostly films. More info

    The Great Stone Face—-Wasn’t
    On All Hallow’s Eve, we quite naturally watched Buster Keaton’s 1921 two-reeler, The Haunted House. And of course, there on camera, displayed in all his glory, was The Great Stone Face, as Keaton is known …
    By Nearly Nonchalant, 633 words
  3. Grace Kingsley's Hollywood
    One hundred year old news and gossip, compiled by Lisle Foote. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Strange Crime Wave: July 1924
    One hundred years ago this week, Grace Kingsley reported on another instance of the oddest trend I’ve found in her columns: there was yet another movie star’s fake brother at large: The Thomas H. Ince …
    By Lisle Foote, 1,917 words
  4. Jeff Rapsis / Silent Film Music
    Chronicling the ongoing adventure of staging silent film screenings with live music in theaters in New England, USA and elsewhere. 🇺🇸 More info

    Next up: Buster Keaton's 'The Cameraman' (1928) on Saturday, July 20 at Brandon (Vt.) Town Hall
    A promotional still from Buster Keaton's 'The Cameraman' (1928).Timing is everything!Consider: I've developed a case of severe tendonitis in my right arm just as I'm starting a one-month hiatus from silent film accompaniment.Hope that gives …
    By Jeff Rapsis, 813 words
  5. Movies Silently
    Celebrate Silent Film. By Fritzi Kramer. 🇺🇸 More info

    Somebody’s Widow (1918) A Silent Film Review
    When a ditzy writer and his secretary are the only men at the beach, the young ladies who are frolicking there take it personally when they are completely ignored. The boldest one decides to pose …
    By Movies Silently, 63 words
  6. Silent London
    A place for people who love silent film. By Pamela Hutchinson. 🇬🇧 More info

    New media nostalgia and the revival of silent cinema style
    This is an extended and adapted version of a contribution I made at the 2024 Domitor conference in Vienna. I spoke as part of a roundtable on Curating Early Cinema Today, chaired by Maggie Hennefeld. …
    By PH, 79 words
  7. Silent-ology
    Uncovering the silent era. By Lea S. 🇺🇸 More info

    Reactions To The Paris Premiere Of The New “Napoleon” (1927) Restoration
    Paris has been all over news a lot lately, thanks to a major event that was scheduled to take place there this very month. Might I add: taking place finally, after years of news, hype, …
    By Lea S., 55 words
  8. Silver Scenes
    Covering the world of classic movies from the silents to the mid 1960s via bios, movie reviews, rare photos and fun trivia. By Constance Metzinger, Diana Metzinger. More info

    Master of the World (1961)
    In Morgantown, Pennsylvania, in 1868, a giant voice was heard booming from the mountain ridge known as The Great Eyrie. It was quoting from the Holy Book. John Strock (Charles Bronson), an agent for the …
    By The Metzinger Sisters, 558 words
  9. Spite Work: The Trials of Virginia Rappe and Fatty Arbuckle
    A reconsideration of the Fatty Arbuckle case of 1921-22 and the life and death of the victim, Virginia Rappe. 🇺🇸 More info

    The tears of Crystal Rivers flow—Virginia Rappe’s first flamekeeper
    To begin the part that narrates—and documents—the first Arbuckle trial, we begin with an anecdote. This is, admittedly, formulaic. You know, what we learn in the writing seminar, the way a piece should begin with …
    By The Authors, 884 words