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DC Rainmaker | Blog

I’m just a triathlete and runner like you: I run, I bike, and I do something resembling swimming. And at the end of the day…I blog about it.

  • By DC Rainmaker
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly four posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Nov 2022 7
Dec 2022 14
Jan 2023 15
Feb 2023 12
Mar 2023 14
Apr 2023 15
May 2023 11
Jun 2023 13
Jul 2023 17
Aug 2023 9
Sep 2023 22
Oct 2023 15
Nov 2023 13
Dec 2023 15
Jan 2024 19
Feb 2024 14
Mar 2024 12
Apr 2024 12
May 2024 18
Jun 2024 13
Jul 2024 14

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Quick Tips: Tiny Garmin Watch $8 Keyring USB Charger
There comes a time in every watch user’s life where you get to the hotel in a far-flung city, only to realize your watch battery shows 7%. Of course, the problem isn’t that it shows …
On , by Ray Maker, 932 words
Tour de France Bike Computers & Team Zone Behind The Scenes!
 It’s time to look at bike computers of the Tour de France. I finished up the video first, above, but haven’t quite had a moment to write up all the details yet. Though, in …
On , by Ray Maker, 211 words
Testing Out Samsung’s New 4-Minute Cycling FTP Magician
 Last week Samsung touted a pretty bold claim in the middle of their keynote for their newest smartwatch: They could determine your cycling FTP (functional threshold power, the max power you can maintain for …
On , by Ray Maker, 1,688 words