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Mainly a place where I can record my current interests.

  • By Jan Ferris
  • Roughly four posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
May 2023 12
Jun 2023 15
Jul 2023 16
Aug 2023 16
Sep 2023 16
Oct 2023 16
Nov 2023 15
Dec 2023 15
Jan 2024 17
Feb 2024 15
Mar 2024 17
Apr 2024 16
May 2024 16
Jun 2024 16
Jul 2024 16

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

The Lost World of Dragons Exhibit
The Lost World of Dragons is an interactive exhibit currently running at the Reading Public Museum The Red Dragoan. These specimens move and roar. The White Dragon. Did dragons actually exsist? Some believe they actually …
On , by Jan Ferris, 145 words
The FReeMade
"FReemade. A little tribe. Escapes from a man, without arms, with useless ornamental beetle wings. There is a man with rubberised pincers, a man who wears a crocdile's snout, a hugh cur with the head …
On , by Jan Ferris, 80 words
A Hive of Activity
I feel that I am behind my goal of completing at least one project per month. Perhaps I will surpass my goal this month. Here is the current state of my workbench. There are componnets …
On , by Jan Ferris, 127 words