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Blogs about Modelmaking

  1. Railway modelling (15)

11 blogs about Modelmaking.

  1. 30Squares
    I write about making miniature things with detours into a few other arts, crafts, and sciences. By J D Lowe. 🇨🇦 More info

    Studies in Forced Perspective
    HO (1:87), Model Power | OO (1:76), Airfix | S (1:64), Mini Prints
    By J D Lowe, 17 words
  2. Azazel's Bitz Box
    Painting, Modelling, Miniatures, 1:6, Games... Whatever else I find interesting. More info

    Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Terrain: Barricades (Season of Scenery ’24)
    Another quick post with some terrain painted in a timely manner for Dave Stone’s annual Season of Scenery challenge. I actually had the first half of these sprayed and washed, but then I lost them …
    By Azazel, 156 words
  3. The Brushpainter
    Put Down the Airbrush and BREATHE. 🇺🇸 More info

    Walk That Lonesome Valley All Alone
    I haven’t met anyone who wants to talk about late-diagnosed autism in older adults. What I have discovered is a geek chorus of folks who want to assure me, with great and passionate intensity,that autism …
    By Brushpainter, 587 words
  4. Carmen's Fun Painty Time
    28mm and 40mm scale painting and building, projects, tutorials and tips. More info

    Senjutsu: Battle for Japan
    I haven't actually played it yet, but I've seen the videos, read the rules, and it looks fun. Not only that, but I already have a sizeable collection of painted samurai to use!The only problem …
    By Evilcartoonist, 181 words
  5. FauxHammer - Blog
    For Miniature Painters, Hobbyists and fans of Painting Games Workshop Miniatures. We also review Tools and Accessories used to support your modelling goals. More info

    Necromunda: Hive Secundus Review for Miniature Painters
    Welcome back Hive Scum, This week we are taking a look at the new Necromunda Game, Hive Secundus, This box The post Necromunda: Hive Secundus Review for Miniature Painters appeared first on FauxHammer.
    By FauxHammer, 40 words
  6. Magpie and Old Lead
    By axiom. More info

    Inq et nunc - The Ancient Slann
    Back in the early 2000s I planned a space slann army for 40k. The project never got off the ground as I moved towards smaller skirmish games, and most of the slann have long since …
    By axiom, 104 words
  7. Shouting Into The Void
    Fitz's Roleplaying, Wargaming and Modeling-related blather. By Peter Fitz. 🇳🇿 More info

    Churchill Mk.VII (-ish)
    I've been tinkering with the estimable Mr. Bergman's 1:100 scale (15mm) Churchill Mk.IV model to make a Mk.VII.... almost.The front end of the track sponsons could do with some more work, but I think this …
    By Peter Fitz, 83 words
  8. Sky River Dolls
    By Vega. More info

  9. Small Scale World
    Plastic Toys Soldiers, everything plastic, toy or military, including farm, zoo, space, Wild West, and all other plastic toys, models and playthings, logos, lingos, company histories and nomenclature. By Hugh Walter. 🇬🇧 More info

    F is for Fake Toys & Games
    I've been picking these up for about 18 months now, reposted a couple elsewhere, but I thought I'd chuck them all up here for a chuckle, there are a few political memes, but more general …
    By Hugh Walter, 75 words
  10. SteelonSandBlog
    A record of various projects involving smaller scale Wargaming Miniatures... More info

    15mm Terminator: Junkyard Dogs
    I’ve started work on sourcing and painting up some scenic elements and terrain for the 15mm Terminator project, and am kicking things off with some wrecked cars and a suitably scrappy junkyard.I’ve found that 15mm …
    By SteelonSand, 601 words
  11. Ye-Olde-Site-of-Curiosities
    Mainly a place where I can record my current interests. By Jan Ferris. More info

    The Lost World of Dragons Exhibit
    The Lost World of Dragons is an interactive exhibit currently running at the Reading Public Museum The Red Dragoan. These specimens move and roar. The White Dragon. Did dragons actually exsist? Some believe they actually …
    By Jan Ferris, 145 words