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History, art history and architecture of Britain & Empire, Europe, Mediterranean & North America, 1640-1940.

  • By Hels
  • Based in Australia
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

Medical clowns help patients & save lives.
Clown with young child in bed, ? hospital Biomedical ScienceMedical clowns in a U.S hospital health-care team started when a professional clown at NY’s Big Apple Circus founded Clown Care in 1986. Cl­own­ing became a …
On , by Hels, 967 words
Kenneth Clark's fine tv show: Civilisation
Stourton's book was published in 2017I knew Kenneth Clark (1903-83) from watching his Civil­is­at­ion series on tv in 1969 and from his involvement with one of my favour­ite art historians Bern­ard Beren­son. And more recently …
On , by Hels, 838 words
King James VI ridding Scotland of witches.
The evidence. A witch kissed the arse of the DevilWitch-hunting plagued Europe, as soon as the idea that witches worshipped the devil took hold. Read an excellent book, Scottish Witches and Witch-Hunters by Julian Goodare …
On , by Hels, 1,051 words