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The Comics Curmudgeon

  • By Josh Fruhlinger
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per day
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Nov 2022 21
Dec 2022 26
Jan 2023 34
Feb 2023 32
Mar 2023 36
Apr 2023 34
May 2023 35
Jun 2023 35
Jul 2023 35
Aug 2023 35
Sep 2023 35
Oct 2023 35
Nov 2023 34
Dec 2023 28
Jan 2024 34
Feb 2024 33
Mar 2024 36
Apr 2024 34
May 2024 36
Jun 2024 34
Jul 2024 31

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Metapost: Early morning COTW
Comics Curmudgeon readers! Do you love this blog and yearn for a novel written by its creator? Well, good news: Josh Fruhlinger's The Enthusiast is that novel! It's even about newspaper comic strips, partly. Check …
On , by Josh, 840 words
Divine Friday
Comics Curmudgeon readers! Do you love this blog and yearn for a novel written by its creator? Well, good news: Josh Fruhlinger's The Enthusiast is that novel! It's even about newspaper comic strips, partly. Check …
On , by Josh, 284 words
Mostly military Thursday
Comics Curmudgeon readers! Do you love this blog and yearn for a novel written by its creator? Well, good news: Josh Fruhlinger's The Enthusiast is that novel! It's even about newspaper comic strips, partly. Check …
On , by Josh, 299 words