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Blogs about Children’s books

3 blogs about Children’s books.

  1. Jestress's Forgotten Books and Stories
    Nostalgic Children's Books. More info

    Kirsten Saves the Day
    Kirsten, An American Girl Kirsten Saves the Day by Janet Beeler Shaw, 1988. It’s summer, and for a frontier family, the summer chores can be the most fun! Kirsten and her younger brother, Peter, are …
    By forgottenbooksandstories, 1,177 words
  2. Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books
    A blog about books and reading, the enjoyment of a good story. A place you can find children's and young adult literature reviews, news and giveaways. 🇬🇧 More info

    Liz Hyder (Author), Tom de Freston (Illustrator) - The Twelve - Book Review - Mr Ripley's Enchanted Books
    Strap in readers for a mind-bending journey through time with Liz Hyder's thrilling new book. "The Twelve" will be published in hardback by Pushkin Children's Books this coming October (2024). It has been illustrated throughout …
    By Mr Ripley's Enchanted Books, 84 words
  3. Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves
    Seeking children's books of old from library/yard sales, used book stores, ebay, etc. By Burgin Streetman. 🇺🇸 More info

    Need a House? Call Ms. Mouse! Reprint News
    Coming back from the dead to let you all know that this book is being reprinted in the spring from NYR Children's Collection. Need a House? Call Ms. Mouse! by George Mendoza, illustrated by Doris …
    By Burgin Streetman, 89 words