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Blogs about Science fiction books

18 blogs about Science fiction books.

  1. 70s Sci-Fi Art
    Art. Sci-fi art. From the 70s. By Adam Rowe. 🇺🇸 More info

    “Barbarian Zork,” 1982
    ALT“Barbarian Zork,” 1982
    6 words
  2. Charlie's Diary
    Being the blog of Charles Stross, author, and occasional guests. 🇬🇧 More info

    The coming storm, part 2
    Almost exactly six months ago I blogged in The Coming Storm about how 2024 looked like a "somewhat disruptive" year. Hoo, boy! Let's recap point by point from that piece. Taiwan was first on 13th …
    By Charlie Stross, 1,278 words
  3. Christopher L. Bennett: Written Worlds
    An author's journal. 🇺🇸 More info

    Thoughts on the BBC TELEVISION SHAKESPEARE, Season 3
    The third season of the BBC’s essentially complete series of productions of William Shakespeare’s plays ran from 1980-81. Jonathan Miller took over from Cedric Messina as producer, revamping the series’s approach considerably. According to Wikipedia, …
    By christopherlbennett, 6,512 words
  4. Classics of Science Fiction
    Remembering the Best Short Science Fiction. By James Wallace Harris. More info

    When Did You First Grok the Major Concepts of Science Fiction?
    Our minds are like large language models (LLM) used in artificial intelligence (AI). We must be exposed to words and concepts before we think about them. Few people can conceive of new concepts on their …
    By jameswharris, 1,654 words
  5. The Early Days of a Better Nation
    Ken MacLeod's comments. 🇬🇧 More info

    Chengdu Worldcon: Meet the Future
    This historic Worldcon has already been very well covered by others, e.g. Nicholas Whyte and Jeremy Szal. For lots of coverage of events, guests and so on, see the con’s Facebook page. But I’ve been …
    By Ken, 929 words
  6. Eliot Peper - Blog
    🇺🇸 More info

    Writing is a tool for making new ideas
    Over in Every, I wrote about how writing is more than a method for capturing ideas, it’s a way of exploring them: By externalizing your thoughts, writing puts you into conversation with yourself. It’s always …
    By eliotpeper, 125 words
  7. From Earth to the Stars
    The Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Author & Editor Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Bright, Shattered Cosmos
    by Stephen R. Case Stephen R. Case lays out the ideas that inspired the universe in his story “Sisters of the Flare,” now available in our [July/August issue, on sale now!] A few years ago …
    By fromearthtothestars, 1,163 words
  8. Galactic Journey
    55 years ago: Science Fact and Fiction. By Gideon Marcus, Janice L. Newman, et al. 🇺🇸 More info

    [July 26, 1969] California Dreams…and Nightmares ("The Late, Great State of California")
    by Janice L. Newman What does the state of California mean to you? Does it conjure up images of sunny beaches and miles of orange trees? Does it make you think of the “fruits and …
    By Janice L. Newman, 102 words
  9. Hugo Book Club Blog
    Discussion of Hugo Award nominees for best novel, other science fiction novels, and analysis of the awards. 🇺🇸 More info

    Guest Post: Unite Sci-Fi Fans Around The World
    We are pleased to share a guest blog post from Hugo-winning fanzine editor RiverFlow. Hello science fiction fans attending the 2024 World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow. First of all, have you heard of Chinese …
    1,173 words
    A science fiction and fantasy books reviews blog, with regular reviews of diverse novels. By C. More info

    Karen Lord, The Blue, Beautiful World
    Karen Lord, The Blue, Beautiful World, Del Rey, 2023.Audiobook available.The Blue, Beautiful World is a fascinating science-fiction stand-alone novel about first contact. Owen is a global music star. The crowds flock to his concerts, commune …
    600 words
  11. Morphosis
    By Adam Roberts. 🇬🇧 More info

    Publication News: 2024
    I have a new novel coming out in July (amazon page here): a utopian novel mashed-up with some space-opera Lovecraftian/Dennis Wheatley horror. My teenage son, when I explained the premise, suggested I call it Space …
    By Adam Roberts, 139 words
  12. MPorcius Fiction Log
    Brief and spoilertastic notes on fiction I have read. 🇺🇸 More info

    Merril-endorsed 1958 tales by S Jackson, D Keyes and J Kippax
    If you buy a copy of Judith Merril's SF: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy: 4th Annual Volume for $2.00, a course I certainly recommend, you will find in the back of the 256-page book …
    By MPorcius, 2,006 words
  13. Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations
    Reviews of Vintage Science Fiction (1945-1985). By Joachim Boaz. More info

    Short Story Review: Kathinka Lannoy’s “Drugs’ll Do You” (1978, trans. 1981)
    Today I’m joined again by Rachel S. Cordasco, the creator of the indispensable website and resource Speculative Fiction in Translation, for the fourth installment of our series exploring non-English language SF worlds. Last time we …
    By Joachim Boaz, 1,463 words
  14. SFSS
    Science fiction short stories. More info

    On SFSS as a numbers station
    For those wondering what a numbers station is: you'll find the answer in this post. Until recently (the previous post), SFSS wasn't a “numbers station”, quite the opposite in fact. If you read the “about” …
    104 words
  15. Sibilant Fricative
    Reviews of books and films, mostly science fictional, by Adam Roberts. That's all. More info

    Tolkien and Scott: a Brief Note
    David Demaret, 'Éowyn versus the Nazgul' (2019) Like everyone of his generation who read, Tolkien read Walter Scott (it’s really remarkable actually how far Scott has fallen, from being one of the most popular and …
    By Adam Roberts, 441 words
    Science fiction. Fantasy. The universe. And related subjects. 🇺🇸 More info

    Things Still Scary AF in From Season 3 Trailer, and We Now Have a Release Date
    News From Things Still Scary AF in From Season 3 Trailer, and We Now Have a Release Date A few of the stars were on hand at SDCC to give details about the upcoming season. …
    By Vanessa Armstrong, 517 words
  17. Voyages Extraordinaires
    Scientific Romances in a Bygone Age. More info

    Kenji Miyazawa's Night on the Galactic Railroad
    In Japan, riding a steam train through outer space is a melancholy symbol of the human journey. Like the gentle drift of the sakura petal, the whistle of a train means a transition in life. …
    By Cory Gross, 71 words
  18. The Wertzone
    SF&F In Print & On Screen. By Adam Whitehead. 🇬🇧 More info

    Steven Erikson confirms his Malazan WITNESS trilogy is now a quartet
    Steven Erikson has confirmed that his in-progress Witness Trilogy, a sequel to his classic Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence (1999-2011), will now be a quartet.Erikson published the first book in the series, The God …
    By Adam Whitehead, 273 words