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Blogs about Board games

8 blogs about Board games.

  1. aka pastor guy
    Everything including the kitchen sink... but with special attention paid to board games, Jesus Christ, my family, being a "professional" (and I use that word loosely) Christian…. By Mark. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Beautiful Game(s) [Classic Remix]
    A decade ago, I wrote a post about soccer board games... so, with the US Men's team playing Uruguay tonight and both US men and women playing in the Olympics later this month, I figured …
    By Mark (aka pastor guy), 1,224 words
  2. Gameblog
    Mikko Saari on board games. 🇫🇮 More info

    Ropecon 2024
    This year, Ropecon is a week earlier than usual. The reason is boring: Coldplay is coming to Helsinki on the usual Ropecon weekend and gobbles up all hotel capacity. Ropecon took evasive action. We’re here …
    By Mikko, 2,047 words
  3. Hiew's Boardgame Blog
    boardgames, card games, board games, hobby gaming. By Hiew Chok Sien. 🇲🇾 More info

    The Game Skyrise is an auction game with a spatial element. It is a reimplementation of Metropolys, which was first published in 2008. I own Metropolys, and find it a fine game. Skyrise is a …
    By Hiew Chok Sien 邱卓成, 68 words
  4. The Opinionated Gamers
    Reviews and Commentary on Boardgames. By Dale Yu, et al. 🇺🇸 More info

    Dale Yu: Review of Next Station: Paris
    Next Station: Paris Designer: Matthew Dunstan Publisher: blue orange Players: 1-4 Age: 8+ Time: 20-30 minutes Amazon affiliate link Played with review copy provided by blue orange USA Become the best metro network planner Paris …
    By Dale Yu, 51 words
    Fiercely Independent. Independant? Crap. By Dan Thurot. 🇺🇸 More info

    You’re the Duke! You’re the Duke!
    Because I play so many board games, sometimes this funny thing happens where I’ll experience a game and its source material out of order. Last night, for example, I watched my first episode of The …
    By Dan Thurot, 1,796 words
  6. Talking Shelf Space
    Collecting Modern Board Games. By Alex. 🇩🇪 More info

    Review of Antiquity – A Blast From the Past
    Have you ever thought about the effects of pollution in medieval Italy? I sure hadn’t. But Joris and Jeroen – better known as Dutch design duo / boutique publisher Splotter Spellen – definitely have! And …
    By Alex, 3,611 words
  7. The Tao of Gaming
    Boardgames and lesser pursuits. By Brian Bankler. 🇺🇸 More info

    1822 PNW
    Got in a second game of ’22 PNW this weekend (which I also played at HeavyCon). We used the starting packet variant to speed up the game and it undoubtedly did, saving an hour or …
    By taogaming, 411 words
  8. Zen Of Design
    The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer. By Damion Schubert. 🇺🇸 More info

    List of Lists: Top Board Games of 2023
    Ever since the double-whammy of ‘having kids’ and ‘global pandemic’, I haven’t been going to board game nights at game stores that much. To regain some of my exposure to new game releases, I tend …
    By Damion Schubert, 782 words