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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 3 of 18.

  1. Bobulate
    for Intentional Organization. By Liz Danzico. 🇺🇸 More info

    City book club
    On stage at Radio City Music Hall, I hid The Power Broker. All 1,200+ pages of it. I clutched the paperback close, under my academic regalia. On stage, helping deliver diplomas to eager graduating students …
    By Liz Danzico, 358 words
  2. Book Of Irving #82431
    Patrick Irving is resident #82431 in an Idaho Department of Correction facility. 🇺🇸 More info

    First Amend This! An IDOC Newsletter, July ’24
    Previous: First Amend This! An IDOC Newsletter, June ’24 Welcome to the July edition of First Amend This! This publication provides an insider look at issues affecting the Idaho Department of Correction community. If you …
    By Patrick Irving, 92 words
  3. The Boston Diaries - Captain Napalm
    The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”. By Sean Conner. 🇺🇸 More info

    Fixing an Apache pthread error
    After I fixed the performance issue, I started looking around for some other issues to handle, and boy, did I find some. Checking the error log from Apache I found: [Fri Jul 12 15:04:01.762845 2024] …
    720 words
  4. The Bounding Box – Blog of Tobias Revell
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    Box111: Corp Wars
    DS099: Not very happy with this, 098 was a dud. Just couldn’t get the thing I had in my head out onto the screen and was singking more and more time into playing with lighting …
    939 words
  5. Bowblog
    Sarcastic about technology, politics, art and media for TWENTY YEARS. By Steve Bowbrick. 🇬🇧 More info

    Tape trauma
    In the late eighties I lived in the East End of London and I used to rent movies from a little video shop on the A11 near Bow Road underground station. The routine – you …
    By Steve Bowbrick, 578 words
  6. Brain Baking
    Freshly Baked Thoughts. By Wouter Groeneveld. 🇧🇪 More info

    When Is a Site Considered a Blog?
    Robert Birming started collecting links to interesting and inspiring blogging journeys of which most are /timeline “slash pages”. He was kind enough to include a link to my /museum page, even though technically speaking, that’s …
    By Wouter Groeneveld, 965 words
  7. Brajeshwar
    I’m on an adventure learning to build beautiful and meaningful products to improve the world for my daughters. By Brajeshwar Oinam. 🇺🇸 More info

    Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)
    BLUF1 (Bottom Line Up Front) is the practice of starting a message with its vital information first. This provides the recipient with the most important information first, making the message more straightforward and more concise. …
    264 words
  8. Breck Yunits' Scroll
    Some writing about probability, programming, economics and life. 🇺🇸 More info

  9. Brooklyn Diasporism – Zach Barocas, Diasporist Diarist
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    2024-07-22 15:43
    Goodbye, Little King Handsome Theo RIP Lt. Theodopolous “Theo” Kojak, our sweet, precious, handsome Little Man, aka The Little King, 2006(?) - 2024.
    23 words
  10. Buster's Notes - Notes
    Notes. By Buster Benson. 🇺🇸 More info

  11. but she's a girl...
    🇬🇧 More info

    Devilish fun with a modeless modal editing mode
    As I write this, I am imagining one of those slightly cheesy voiceovers for a TV show, reminding viewers of the previous episode: “Last time on ‘BSAG Gets Nerdy About Emacs’…”. You may remember that …
    By bsag, 948 words
    A blog from Cabel Sasser. 🇺🇸 More info

    My GDC ’24 Talk: The Playdate Story
    In January, I was invited to GDC, the Game Developers Conference, to give a talk about Playdate. That talk — “The Playdate Story: What Was it Like to Make Handheld Video Game System Hardware?” — …
    By cabel, 208 words
  13. Caleb's Blog
    The personal blog of Caleb Jay Rogers, Software Engineer. 🇹🇼 More info

    A Simple React Challenge
    Close had for their job application on Wellfound a coding challenge. I’m slightly miffed that they ask someone to write code without even screening them first to see if they believe on the surface I’m …
    By Caleb Rogers, 76 words
  14. Calum Ryan - Articles
    Making websites, focusing on accessibility, inclusivity and performance. 🇬🇧 More info

    Weeknote 86
    Last weekend I made a trip north to visit my parents. Avanti Trains didn't fail in managing to be late both ways thanks to a combination of congestion and broken down freight trains. Sad to …
    260 words
  15. Cam Pegg: Digital product and strategy guy
    Musings about stuff by someone old enough to know better than to put them on the internet. 🇺🇸 More info

    July 8 2024, 3:06pm
    Ed Zitron does brilliant job of summarizing and providing color commentary on the the Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit? report from Goldman Sachs.I feel a little crazy every time I write one …
    222 words
  16. the cassandra pages
    An artist, graphic designer, writer and publisher. By Elizabeth Adams. 🇨🇦 More info

    Rites of Passage
    This summer, we're in the process of selling my family home, at the lake in central New York that I've written about and photographed for this blog many times over the years. My feelings about …
    By Beth, 791 words
  17. Cassidy's blog
    I'm Cassidy Williams, a software engineer, mom, and overall nerd in Chicago. I write about tech, projects, and whatever else I'm thinking about! 🇺🇸 More info

    Getting paid is weird and sometimes hard
    I’m mostly just typing out my feelings right now and I don’t know if this will turn into something coherent. Most of the projects I put out, and the work that I do in public, …
    518 words
    By Caterina Fake. 🇺🇸 More info

    Mint is home!
    Our hearts are full of gratitude tonight to the hard working men and women of the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, the San Francisco Police Department, and the other law enforcement agencies of the Bay Area …
    By Caterina Fake, 257 words
  19. Charles Harries - All Posts
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    Durham Coastal Half Marathon
    Two races in one week! Sunday morning found me with a couple hundred other runners at Nose's Point in Seaham for the Durham Coastal Half Marathon, a trail-ish half following the line of the coast …
    456 words
  20. Chris Corrigan – Blog
    Leadership in the process arts. 🇨🇦 More info

    A prophetic turn in populist politics
    Back in 2022 Peter Levine – whose thought blog posts are amongst my favourite reads on a regular basis – wrote the following: The left should represent the lower-income half of the population; the right …
    By Chris Corrigan, 383 words