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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 2 of 18.

  1. as days pass by
    scratched tallies on the prison wall. By Stuart Langridge. 🇬🇧 More info

    OED second edition CD-ROM under Wine
    I recently discovered that there's an old software edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (the second edition) on for download. Not sure how legal this is, mind, but I thought it would be useful …
    By sil, 631 words
  2. Atlas Minor • Journal
    The work of James A. Reeves. Searching for faith in the digital age. Notes from the end of a world. 🇺🇸 More info

    Death Prom
    Sometimes the sunset filters through the sliding doors at Target in a way that reminds me of church. A honey-red radiance soaks the self-checkout lanes and the mannequins in women’s apparel. We pause our carts, …
    By James Reeves, 634 words
  3. The Audacity of Despair
    Collected prose, links and occasional venting from David Simon. 🇺🇸 More info

    A letter for leniency
    This is the full text of a letter written on behalf of one of the defendants charged with narcotics violations in conjunction with the death of my friend and collaborator Michael K. Williams. It was …
    By David Simon, 60 words
  4. Autistic Jane
    The neurodivergent lifestyle blog of Jane Lively, autistic cat mom. 🇺🇸 More info

    Pillow princesses & stone tops
    Nothing ticks straight women* off more than these two sentences: “Pillow princess” is exclusively a sapphic term. People outside of sapphic relationship dynamics shouldn’t use it. *Or LGBTQ+ women in heteronormative relationship dynamics, or women/NB …
    By Jane Lively, 1,734 words
  5. Babak Fakhamzadeh
    A full stack developer, creates mobile apps and digital art. More info

    The Dutch attack!
    The Dutch controlled the Brazilian northeast for around 25 years in the 17th century. On the heels of shaking off Spanish colonial control in the Netherlands, they managed to haul several Spanish and Portuguese flotillas, …
    By Babak Fakhamzadeh, 1,311 words
    By Mitch Bartlett. 🇨🇦 More info

    Do you ever think about how Musky Elmo basically killed the chances of “to tweet” ever genuinely entering the English language as a real life verb
    27 words
  7. BattlePenguin
    BattlePenguin Dot Com. By Sumit Khanna. 🇺🇸 More info

    Aiming for America's Ear
    I immediately got messages from friends on Saturday following the assassination attempt on Former President Trump. One friend immediately thought that the event was staged. Another said he thought there was a “nonzero” chance it …
    3,225 words
  8. Ben Crowder — Blog
    🇺🇸 More info

    Four new art pieces. In the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven: Be Still and Know That I Am God: Beho...
    Four new art pieces. In the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven: Be Still and Know That I Am God: Behold Your Little Ones II: Infinite and Eternal: Reply via email
    By Ben Crowder, 48 words
    Ben Kuhn's personal website. More info

    Categories of leadership on technical teams
    This is an adaptation of an internal doc I wrote for Anthropic. Recently I’ve been having a lot of conversations about how to structure and staff teams. One framework I’ve referenced repeatedly is to break …
    By Ben Kuhn, 2,345 words
  10. Ben Oliver
    My chunk of internet laid bare for all to see. 🇬🇧 More info

    I'd rather give you cancer than having it myself. A Brazilian music critic (Sônia Braga) is the last resident to live in an apartment building. A developer has bought all the other flats and wants …
    207 words
  11. Ben Overmyer
    Digital Platform Engineer and Game Designer. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024 Midyear Project Update
    2024 has been a hectic year so far. Most recently, we very nearly moved to western New York, but a series of unfortunate events and observations made us reconsider at the last second and decide …
    391 words
  12. Ben Werdmuller
    Ethical technology in the internet era. 🇺🇸 More info

    Moderate drinking not better for health than abstaining, analysis suggests
    [Ian Sample in The Guardian]"England’s former chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, has said there is no safe level of alcohol intake. A major study published in 2018 supported the view. It found that alcohol …
    By Ben Werdmuller, 211 words
  13. bertrand fan
    🇺🇸 More info

    Recreating ANSI Art from a screenshot
    In the early to mid-90s, I ran a BBS out of my bedroom. It wasn’t very popular, but I did have a lot of time on my hands and I spent a lot of that …
    2,271 words
  14. be the future
    make it better don't give up. By josh. 🇺🇸 More info

    flinch or fight
    cars at a busy intersection wait for their turn to drive. the surroundings are mid-rise city buildings with just a cloud or two in the bright blue sky. somewhere, just out of frame, a person …
    By josh, 672 words
  15. Between the Bars
    Blogs from writers in prison. 🇺🇸 More info

    Comment response
    Read more.
    By Jennifer Johnson, 4 words
  16. Birchtree
    I've been writing here since 2010! Back when personal blogs were all the rage. Kids, ask your parents. By Matt Birchler. More info

    Fortnite is coming soon to AltStore
    Epic Games in a press release today: Epic's New Game Strategy for Mobile StoresIn exciting news, we are announcing that our mobile games will come to AltStore on iOS in the EU, and we expect …
    By Matt Birchler, 110 words
  17. Black Phoebe
    Jenifer Hanen's web home :: text + images + ideas = reading/writing + art/design + notions. 🇺🇸 More info

    Twenty-One Years Old and A Bit Broken
    Mon. 06.03.24 – Hello Lovelies, Sorry if Black Phoebe :: Ms. Jen’s Blog has been down for a week or so, but we here at Black Phoebe central have been a bit busy. I just …
    By Ms. Jen, 51 words
    By Jeff Popovich. 🇺🇸 More info

    Their Form Mirrors the Decay That Will Fit Us So Comfortably Some Day
    So we've toggled from Trump certainly winning to Trump not a certainty to win. That's my hot take beyond reminding you that two days of celebratory relief for the majority of Americans that Trump's return …
    955 words
  19. - Home
    By Les Orchard. 🇺🇸 More info

    Clustering ideas with Llamafile and Web Components
    TL;DR: In my previous posts, I tinkered with a few variations on clustering ideas by named topics using embeddings and text generation. In this post, I'm going to show off a web UI that I …
    52 words
  20. Blue Witch
    defiantly and resplendently un-trendy. 🇬🇧 More info

    Potatoes, Olympics and New Banknotes
    We usually buy potatoes from a potato farm up near the Scottish Borders. They have a shipping container just inside...
    25 words