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  Personal blogs

358 blogs in Personal blogs. Page 17 of 18.

  1. Tom Hume
    We’re here to go. 🇺🇸 More info

    Energy Efficiency drives Predictive Coding in Neural Networks
    I don’t remember how I came across it, but this is one of the most exciting papers I’ve read recently. The authors train a neural network that tries to identify the next in a sequence …
    By Tom Hume, 319 words
  2. Tom Stuart
    🇬🇧 More info

    Weeknotes 237: Deadening sensation
    What I most dislike about being ill is the deadening sensation of waiting for time to pass. There’s nothing useful you can do, just metabolise while the tiny machines in your bloodstream busy themselves with …
    429 words
  3. tourist wannabe - Rado's blog
    By Radoslav Sharapanov. More info

    Екзорсистът, който заклейми правилата
    Дали щурият Exorcist II: The Heretic е първото анти-продължение, много преди The Matrix Resurrections? Тук сякаш студиото е нахвърлило бегли идеи за втора част и ги дало на лудия титан Джон Бурман да прави каквото …
    By rado, 199 words
  4. Tracy Durnell
    Writer and designer in the Seattle area. Freelance sustainability consultant. 🇺🇸 More info

    Using biology to color in the long-lost past
    Liked Can studies of living animal colour constrain the colours of dinosaurs? A case study with big theropods ( In recent decades, biologists have made enormous strides in understanding living animal colouration, looking at how …
    By Tracy Durnell, 98 words
  5. The travels of Mary Loosemore – Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    Where Next: Snowshoeing Off the Trails in Eastern Finland
    And – double whammy in Herefordshire Week 238 – as well as booking onto Jagged Globe’s Makalu Base Camp trek for this autumn, I’ve also confirmed the Finland Snowshoe trip for next February / March. …
    By Mary, 633 words
    I'm a sound flâneur, composer, acoustic ecologist, seeker of resonance. Creator of Fleurieu & KI Sound Map. 🇦🇺 More info

    June 2024: new album coming, cymbals, chunky notebook
    Here’s a round-up of what I’ve been up to this month. Borrowed Out Of Time I have a new album on the way, to be released on the de la Catessen label. It’s called Borrowed …
    By tristanlouthrobins, 1,840 words
  7. The Two Terriers
    Fishing and finally catching some really big pike and perch. Printmaking, lino cutting, letterpress printing and type. The Fenland landscape and the clouds, skies and the weather in general. ... By John Richardson. 🇬🇧 More info

    A surprise and real treat
    My good friend Andy Sliwa and his lovely wife visited Sue and I last week and apart from the absolute pleasure of their company Andy brought a real treat with him. We met Andy at …
    By The Two Terriers, 238 words
  8. Uhmm | Articles
    Personal blog of Jason Jacobs. Past, present, future, imaginings, daydreams, stories, art, and more, all intertwined and making a home here. 🇺🇸 More info

    Sculpting The Tooth Fairy
    I recently completed my latest sculpture, the Tooth Fairy, and this is the background of the character, the process, and what I learned.
    27 words
  9. ultracrepidarian
    ultracrepidarian: a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise. By Paul Hubbard. 🇺🇸 More info

    LLMs can solve hard problems
    We’re a couple of years into the LLM era now, and the Gartner hype cycle from last year seems relevant: Image credit: Gartner The purpose of this post is to share two hard problems (in …
    By Paul Hubbard, 965 words
  10. Uncharted Worlds
    Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books. By Jennifer Moore. 🇬🇧 More info

    Bridging from the Fediverse to Bluesky (or not)
    Comments on Ryan Barrett’s plan to create a “bridge” between the Fediverse and Bluesky, with reference to defaults, consent & moderation. Kind of a geeky post coming up! I was going to put it as …
    By Jennifer, 809 words
  11. undercoverlocal
    By Victoria. 🇳🇿 More info

    My Failed Journey to Become a First Home Buyer
    There is a space between renting woes and property sales that is often unseen. On the one hand, we read stories of students renting places with black mould and being taken to the tenancy tribunal …
    By vicpiano, 2,054 words
  12. Valhalla's Things
    I post sporadically about the things I do and the ones I make. By Elena “of Valhalla” Grandi. 🇮🇹 More info

    Forgotten Yeast Bread - Sourdough Edition
    Posted on March 23, 2024 Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:cooking, craft:baking, craft:bread Yesterday I had planned a pan sbagliato for today, but I also had quite a bit of sourdough to deal with, so instead of mixing …
    138 words
  13. various bits – Blog
    miscellaneous and slightly random thoughts from a 50-something bearded bald guy. By Mike Ellis. 🇬🇧 More info

    When companies get bought
    Just in my inbox is an email from DeployHQ – my favoured deployment tool since as long as I can remember – telling me that they’ve been bought by DeployBot. My first reaction whenever this …
    By Mike Ellis, 335 words
  14. Velcro City Tourist Board
    science fiction / social theory / infrastructural change / utopian narratology. By Paul Graham Raven. 🇬🇧 More info

    the inside of a person, the outside of the Spectacle
    In the “DVD extras” at the back of my recently-acquired paperback copy of Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, the author makes a very important point about literature: A book can give you the …
    By PGR, 655 words
    speaking my truth. By Mark Hurty. 🇺🇸 More info

    Our across-the-street neighbor painted his garage with a message that I suspect might be directed at the conflict in the Middle East. Next time I see him I’ll ask.
    By Mark, 30 words
  16. Veronique | Blog
    Artist, diarist, writer. 🇨🇦 More info

    Sitting on the balcony, listening to America by Simon & Garfunkel, and drinking a glass of rosé. Almost Famous comes to mind. Great film. It's all happening...Thinking about lost friendships. How one minute you're saying …
    By hidden (veronique), 72 words
  17. von Explaino - Journal Page 1
    Personal site for Colin Morris/ Professor von Explaino. Contains PHP code, Steampunk. 🇦🇺 More info

    Made a basic Twitch extension
    A streamer I like is running a D&D stream and spoke of a Twitch overlay concept. A good excuse to make one.
    27 words
  18. Wait until next year
    Putting off what could be done tomorrow, today. By Steve. 🇬🇧 More info

    13th December
    The snow is still here from yesterday. It is enough snow to close some schools, but not others. The kind of snow a seasoned winter-ist would scoff at – just a dusting! The kind of …
    By Steve, 181 words
  19. Walknotes
    These are my notes from each week. I live in South London (UK) and work closer in to central London. By DW. 🇬🇧 More info

    15 – 19 July 2024
    Monday Thwarted by horses would be a good name for a band. These horses have scuppered my walk, gathering by the gate while I checked on the grave which is slowly rising in the church …
    By DW, 1,013 words
  20. Warming Up |
    By Richard Herring. 🇬🇧 More info

    Thursday 25th July 2024
    7899/20840A few months ago Ernie's friend Freddie showed him a bit of the movie Titanic and scared the living shit out of him. For a few days Ernie was convinced that water was going to …
    105 words