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Blogs about Mathematics

38 blogs about Mathematics. Page 2 of 2.

  1. Live Free or Dichotomize
    By Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Nick Strayer. 🇺🇸 More info

    Visual Diagnostic Tools for Causal Inference
    Here we are going to look at several diagnostic plots are helpful when attempting to answer a causal question. They can be used to visualize the target population, balance, and treatment effect heterogeneity. Setup I’ve …
    By Lucy D'Agostino McGowan, 2,899 words
  2. Luca Marx
    automata theory, finite state machines, quantum mechanics, category theory, software development. 🇮🇹 More info

    An Introduction to Automata
    Why are automata so interesting? Automata are so simple that they fit in many places and situations.
    21 words
  3. Mathspp Blog
    A blog dedicated to mathematics and programming! By Rodrigo Girão Serrão. 🇵🇹 More info

    Customising object creation with __new__
    The dunder method __new__ is used to customise object creation and is a core stepping stone in understanding metaprogramming in Python. Customising object creation with __new__ The dunder method __new__ is a static method that …
    500 words
  4. MixedMath: Blog
    I study mathematics. My research falls mostly inside number theory, arithmetic geometry, cryptography, and computation. By David Lowry-Duda. 🇺🇸 More info

    A note on sums over primes
    This post is larger than 10000 bytes, which is above the limit for this RSS feed. Perhaps it is long or has embedded images or code. Please view it directly at the url.
    By David Lowry-Duda, 39 words
  5. M-Phi
    A blog dedicated to mathematical philosophy. By Richard Pettigrew. 🇬🇧 More info

    Discount code for Bertrand's Paradox and the Principle of Indifference by Nicholas Shackel
    Nicholas Shackel (Cardiff) has a new book out that might be of interest to readers, and there is a discount code available that Nick has asked me to pass on. Details below.Bertrand’s Paradox and the …
    By Richard Pettigrew, 198 words
  6. The n-Category Café
    A group blog on math, physics and philosophy. More info

    What Is Entropy?
    I wrote a little book about entropy; here’s the current draft: What is Entropy? If you see typos and other mistakes, or have trouble understanding things, please let me know! An alternative title would be …
    By john, 508 words
  7. Not awful and boring ideas for teaching statistics
    By Jess Hartnett. 🇺🇸 More info

    Whataburger Index: Operationalizing power outages in hurricane ravaged Texas.
    As a stats nerd, I love it when clever people make lives easier by finding clever, easy, indirect ways to estimate the thing they want to measure. As a statistics instructor, I find such examples …
    By Jessica Hartnett, 407 words
  8. Persiflage
    Galois Representations and more! 🇺🇸 More info

    Persiflage, 2012-2024
    No, not a eulogy! I’ve been a bit concerned for a while about how stable wordpress is as a website — various plugins are always updating on their own, and I have sometimes noticed that …
    By Persiflage, 46 words
  9. Peter Cameron's Blog
    always busy counting, doubting every figured guess . . . 🇬🇧 More info

    New BCC website
    The British Combinatorial Committee has a new website: Take a look, and pass on any comments! My personal thanks to Julia Wolf. The WordPress site I maintained for several years will now be decommissioned. …
    By Peter Cameron, 56 words
  10. Pieter Belmans — blog
    My mathematical interests are in algebraic geometry, noncommutative algebra and higher structures. 🇱🇺 More info

    An update for K-stability
    After attending an Oberwolfach workshop with Kristin DeVleming and Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros where they helped me navigate the literature on K-stability for Fano 3-folds (thanks so much!), the current state of the art can now be …
    92 words
  11. Quomodocumque
    Math, Madison, food, the Orioles, books, my kids. By Jordan S. Ellenberg. 🇺🇸 More info

    Kamala Harris Straw Poll, Day 1
    I was in a coffeeshop in Berkeley, CA when Joe Biden announced he wouldn’t be running for re-election. I kind of wanted to talk to somebody about it but it wasn’t clear anybody else knew …
    By JSE, 307 words
  12. Sharon Lohr — Blog
    Sharon Lohr researches and writes about statistics: where they come from, how to interpret them, and how to tell the good statistics from the bad. 🇺🇸 More info

    George Washington, Survey-Taker
    Figure 1. Survey done in 1949 by 17-year-old George Washington, County Surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia. Source: I learned two things about George Washington’s early life in school: the cherry tree “I cannot tell …
    By Sharon Lohr, 1,597 words
  13. Stats Chat
    'Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.' - H.G. Wells. 🇳🇿 More info

    NRL Predictions for Round 21
    Team Ratings for Round 21 The basic method is described on my Department home page. Here are the team ratings prior to this week’s games, along with the ratings at the start of the season. …
    By David Scott, 355 words
  14. Tanya Khovanova's Math Blog
    Mathematics, applications of mathematics to life in general, and my life as a mathematician. More info

    Thinking Inside the Box
    By tanyakh, 5 words
  15. What's new
    Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao. 🇺🇸 More info

    Dense sets of natural numbers with unusually large least common multiples
    I’ve just uploaded to the arXiv my paper “Dense sets of natural numbers with unusually large least common multiples“. This short paper answers (in the negative) a somewhat obscure question of Erdös and Graham: Problem …
    By Terence Tao, 1,407 words
  16. Xena
    Mathematicians learning Lean by doing. By Kevin Buzzard. 🇬🇧 More info

    Lean in 2024
    A huge amount happened in the Lean theorem prover community in 2023; this blog post looks back at some of these events, plus some of what we have to look forward to in 2024. Modern …
    By xenaproject, 1,780 words
  17. Xi'an's Og
    an attempt at bloggin, nothing more... 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 More info

    Jasper half-gone
    By xi'an, 2 words
  18. Yuling Yao's Blog
    Bayesian Statistics, Machine Learning. 🇺🇸 More info

    Bayesian prediction and the likelihood principle
    Bertrand and I have recently finished our review paper on Bayesian prediction. One of my favorite part there is the distinction between inferential and predictive Bayes. A Bayesian procedure is such that we treat observed …
    By Yuling Yao, 1,024 words