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  Uncategorizable blogs

31 blogs in Uncategorizable blogs.

  1. 1000 Awesome Things
    A time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things by Neil Pasricha. 🇺🇸 More info

    #150 When the cashier has extra coupons stashed at the register and uses them just for you
    It’s time to forget the corporate bigwigs smoking cigars, swimming in gold bars, and driving fast cars for just a second. Suddenly you and the cashier are on the same team. AWESOME! Even more awesome: …
    By Neil Pasricha, 80 words
  2. The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
    Joey deVilla's Personal Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    Some things can only be learned through experience
    The post Some things can only be learned through experience appeared first on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.
    By Joey deVilla, 30 words
  3. Aeon | a world of ideas
    Aeon is a magazine of ideas and culture. We publish in-depth essays, incisive articles, and a mix of original and curated videos — free to all. More info

    Land loneliness
    To survive, we are asked to forget that our lands and bodies are being violated, policed, ripped up, silenced, sacrificed - by Kelsey Day Read at Aeon
    By Kelsey Day, 29 words
  4. bookofjoe
    World's most popular blogging anesthesiologist. 🇺🇸 More info

    Experts' Expert — Rob Kaufelt on the World's 10 Most Intimidating Cheeses
    Kaufelt was the proprietor of Murray's Cheese in New York City, named the world's best cheese store by Forbes magazine. That may or may not be the case but in any event, he is a …
    By bookofjoe, 209 words
  5. Born In Space
    The World's First Internet Spaceship. By Geekologie Writer. More info

    POV Flight Over The Tuscan Countryside In A Jetson Personal VTOL
    These are a couple clips of the latest iteration of the Jetson One personal electric VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicle. Apparently they’re happy enough with its current state that the company will begin delivering …
    By hite, 170 words
  6. corvusfugit
    By Jon Curtiss. 🇺🇸 More info

    1846: The Temple of Time
    Emma Willard was a pioneer in Women’s education, opening the Troy Female Seminary in Troy, New York in 1821—the first institution of higher education for women in the United States. The school was later renamed …
    By corvusfugit, 47 words
  7. Crooked Timber
    Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made. More info

    The era of privatisation is nearly over. But cleaning up the mess left behind will take years
    From The Guardian Among many other challenges in dealing with the failure of urban policy in Australia, the Minns (NSW state) government is faced with the task of renegotiating, or repudiating, the disastrous set of …
    By John Q, 826 words
  8. Data Deluge
    Innovation, analytics, science, art, and data. By Matt Reed. 🇬🇧 More info

    Rebel Music (1979)
    I got this reggae compilation when it was released in 1979. It was then, and remains, the best double album compilation introduction to the richness, and sweetness, of Jamaician reggae. It was compiled by David …
    104 words
  9. Defiant Sloth
    By Paul Williams. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024-07-23 00:31
    A sad reality for the book industry… via No one buys books - by Elle Griffin: in 2020, only 268 titles sold more than 100,000 copies, and 96 percent of books sold less than 1,000 …
    40 words
  10. Follow Me Here…
    “I am the world crier, & this is my dangerous career… I am the one to call your bluff, & this is my climate.” —Kenneth Patchen (1911-1972). By Eliot Gelwan. 🇺🇸 More info

    If elected to a second term, will donald trump end American democracy?
    ‘He will try.Many of you wouldn’t deny this, and even take it for granted. I am asking you not to take it for granted, to take seriously what it means to say that one party’s …
    By FmH, 92 words
  11. Good Stuff
    A collection of things enjoyed by Simon Panrucker which you might enjoy too! 🇬🇧 More info

    Wonky interactive website exploring the way legendary hip hop producer J Dilla creates his wonky grooves is fun to play around with.
    23 words
  12. The Kid Should See This
    Educational videos for curious kids of all ages, a free resource for parents & teachers. Science, art, nature, animals, & more. By Rion Nakaya. 🇺🇸 More info

    Biopixels and Nanoscapes, two breathtaking studies of butterfly wings
    In 2015, composer and media artist Kristina Dutton’s journey into the world of butterfly wings and microscopy began with a scientific research trip to the Amazonas region of Northern Peru. As an assistant to biologist …
    By Rion Nakaya, 59 words
    home of fine hypertext products. By Jason Kottke. 🇺🇸 More info

    NASA Used Futura All Over the Apollo 11 Mission
    Futura, the typeface favored by the likes of filmmakers Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson was also used extensively for NASA’s Apollo 11 mission (along with an American knock-off of Futura called Spartan). Tags: Apollo · …
    By Jason Kottke, 63 words
  14. Laughing Squid
    Features a daily dose of unique art, culture and technology. By Scott Beale, Lori Dorn. 🇺🇸 More info

    A 1964 Ad For Florida State University Featuring a 20 Year Old Clean Cut Jim Morrison
    A 1964 advertisement for Florida State University featured a 20 year old Jim Morrison playing the part of a student who was not accepted into the prestigious school. Just a year later in 1965, this …
    By Lori Dorn, 109 words
  15. LinkMachineGo
    UK based, Daily Link Blog. This is Lima Mike Golf. Shall we blog? 🇬🇧 More info

    The Surprising Reason Why Some People Live So Long
    [life] The surprising data behind supercentenarians … Tim Harford sugggests a surprising reason why some people live so long. ‘In the US, Newman finds that the outstanding predictor of longevity is patchy birth records. Introducing …
    By Darren, 95 words
  16. Long story; short pier
    God, hes left as on aur oun. By Kip Manley. More info

    The people want only their due
    Trying to avoid the whole thing where the posting here on the pier withers away around April or earlier, only to return in fits and starts as the year once more draws close, but I’m …
    By kip, 91 words
    Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. A simple, sensible, but nevertheless controversial message; high-tech has become the idol of our society. 🇪🇸 More info

    Thematic Book Series: How Circular is the Circular Economy?
    Image: Book cover. Buy the print edition. Buy the epub edition. The circular economy – the newest magical word in the sustainable development vocabulary – promises economic growth without environmental destruction or waste. However, growth …
    274 words
  18. Messy Nessy Chic
    Cabinet of Chic Curiosities. 🇫🇷 More info

    The Ancient (and very Naked) Olympics
    The original Olympic games got cancelled for 1500 years because … well … everyone was naked. The Ancient Greek Olympic Games, held from 776 BC to 393 AD, so that’s nearly 10 times longer than …
    By MessyNessy, 111 words
  19. Michael Sippey
    🇺🇸 More info

    filtered for being unburdened
    Barack Obama, Our Endorsement: But Kamala has more than a resume. She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris …
    298 words
  20. Neatorama
    Neatorama is the neat side of the Web. We bring you the neatest, weirdest, and most wonderful stuff from all over the Web every day. 🇺🇸 More info

    Military Terms That Entered Our Everyday Language
    With today's all-volunteer armed forces, we might forget how common military service once was. Throughout most of the 20th century, young men could expect to be called up for World War I, World War II, …
    By Miss Cellania, 195 words