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  1. Yellhole, , more info

    1 word
  2. Adventures in Parn, , more info

    Playable Skaven Class for Lamentations of the Flame Princess
    As usual, I wanted a Skaven class for LotFP, as I have a ton of Skaven miniatures. This allows players to pick a Skaven PC, or create leveled Skaven NPCs if you so wish.Class features:High Poison Save (they live in sewers and use a lot of poison themselves)Multiple attacks - the ability to unlock two weapon fighting and tail fighting.Adventures In Parn Playtest IV - Skaven (1 page pdf)Check out …
    By Etna, 134 words
  3. Books and Pictures, , more info

    Friend’s cat
    This is my friend’s lovely cat who died recently.
    By cassincork, 11 words
  4. MCQN Ltd, , more info

    What Business Do You Have Being on the Fediverse?
    This blog post was written back in June 2021. Back then we didn’t have a Mastodon account (although Adrian’s was a few years old by then) and the Fediverse was a much quieter place. We didn’t get round to publishing it at the time, and then with the Twitter-influx of November 2022 events seemed to have overtaken it. However, reading through this excellent thread from Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis, we thought …
    1,507 words
  5. Good Stuff, , more info

    Wonky interactive website exploring the way legendary hip hop producer J Dilla creates his wonky grooves is fun to play around with.
    23 words
  6. The Plainspoken Scientist - AGU Blogosphere, , more info

    What makes a river a river?
    Close your eyes and picture a river…go on, do it! What did you see? Did you picture a clear, deep mountain stream? A raging river in a steep gorge? A creek with grassy banks and forest? Whatever you pictured, it probably included water. Water is often what people think of first when they think of rivers, especially in the American West where drought rages[1] and water supply is the focus …
    By Shane Hanlon, 592 words
  7. Tyler Reckart's Blog, , more info

    Writing a Tab View Controller in Swift UI
    In my opinion, Swift UI is a fantastic jumping-off point for less experienced developers wanting to get into iOS development. It reminds me of my earliest days of programming; just turn the clock back 15 years and swap Swift with HTML. One of the great things is that a lot of the groundwork has been laid by Apple. It's relatively easy to use Swift's built-in components to put together an …
    848 words
  8. pasta & vinegar — Nicolas Nova, , more info

    New article for Atelier Luma
    A chapter about the kinds of investigations/inquiries designers put together in their work, in the book by Atelier Luma, celebrating their ten years of design research.Nova, N. 2023. Les designers-enquêteurs et leur singularité, Pratiques biorégionales de design — Bioregional Design Practices, Arles: LUMA, pp. 149-152.
    By nicolas nova, 50 words
  9. Media Action Insight Blog - BBC Blogs, , more info

    How do media in Bangladesh understand gender sensitivity?
    Bangladesh ranks 163rd in the world in the Press Freedom Index and journalists face difficult working conditions, with poor pay and little job security. BBC Media Action has been working through Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED) to support local media associations in their efforts at change. In this third of three articles, our guest blogger Udisa Islam, special correspondent for the Bangla Tribune, examines the issue of gender …
    By Udisa Islam, 648 words
  10. Monday Note, , more info

    My Grateful Geek Book Finally Out
    by Jean-Louis GasséeYes, with help gratefully acknowledged below, my book is finally available at Amazon in print and Kindle formats. It was harder than I presumptuously expected. I hope to do better in a future adventure, in French perhaps?For the past 15 years, my Monday Notes essays have examined the tech world that has fascinated and fed me, with occasional excursions into politics. Lately, my somewhat weekly production (about 45 …
    By Jean-Louis Gassée, 1,226 words
  11. SEVERED HEADS OPEN MINDS, , more info

    Interview with A.A. Nemtheanga of Verminous Serpent (Primordial, The Nest, Dread Sovereign, Blood Revolt…)
    This is a more brief discussion that took place over the course of a week with the venerable and fervorous A.A. Nemtheanga with the intention of poking and prodding into the intentions and ideas of his newest group, Verminous Serpent. I had an early listening promo and spent nearly two weeks straight listening to it, munching on their blend of bestial black/death metal which draws from the wells of the …
    By Chris DAlessandro, 1,161 words
  12. Simple Finances Reader, , more info

    Topic Episode - Curve x BofA: 5.25% Cash Back on All Spend
    Topic Episode – Curve x BofA: 5.25% Cash Back on All Spend Welcome new listers from /r/churning! Text companion on and Old Percents vs Curve post How to get max 5.25% cash back Requires Curve card (email me for referral [email protected]) & Bank of America Customized Cash card Customized cash lets you choose your category: gas, online shopping, dining, travel, drug stores, or home improvement/furnishings Online shopping includes …
    By fearthez, 323 words
  13. Learning By Shipping, , more info

    When a Business Pleads to be Regulated
    On regulatory capture…1/ There are two reactions a company can have when faced with calls for regulation. One is to appear to capitulate & work w/regulators to find a least disruptive path. Other is to fight it knowing you’re turning over control of your roadmap to a bureaucracy. There’s one more…2/ Enter AI and the new big tech, who directly or historically have battled regulation for ~100 yrs. A new …
    By Steven Sinofsky, 1,129 words
  14. cartoonconnie comics blog, , more info

    Tune Out All But the Essential
    I've been navigating some life changes and feeling a bit overwhelmed, but am trying to tune out the noise and focus on what's most important. Thanks for reading. More artwork to come!Connie on Ko-fi[2-panel comic illustration about focusing on what's important when feeling overwhelmed. Panel 1 shows a cartoon girl with a bun, covering her ears and surrounded by noisy, jagged, crackly lines. In panel 2, she focuses on the …
    By Connie Sun, 118 words
  15., , more info

    Kraken Not Found
    OK, I built a new PC last year, and it’s been generally awesome. Except for one little thing. I put a NZXT Kraken Z53 in it. The Z53 is a nifty dual-fan all-in-one water cooler, complete with a little screen that shows the temperature of my cooling loop (or a GIF of my choice, whatever). It comes in a variety of sizes and is available in both white and black, …
    By notthatwillsmith, 378 words