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  1. Ben Overmyer, , more info

    2024 Midyear Project Update
    2024 has been a hectic year so far. Most recently, we very nearly moved to western New York, but a series of unfortunate events and observations made us reconsider at the last second and decide to continue renting in Wilmington. I haven't made any progress on reigniting my morning jogging habit. However, once my leg heals (dermatology thing, don't ask), I intend to start it up again. I completely halted …
    391 words
  2. Game Boy Essentials, , more info

    Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
    Metal Gear: Ghost Babel North American release in April 2000 Japanese release in April 2000 European release in May 2000 Published by Konami Developed by TOSE It’s such a clash to have the intricate artwork of a mature stealth title sitting next to the Technicolor smorgasbord logo of the Game Boy Color. It feels like Konami was getting away with murder. Like this game shouldn’t be on Game Boy Color. …
    4,766 words
  3. The Zozzled Cocktail, , more info

    Harvard Cooler
    Summer is here. Time to cool off. Cocktail coolers have long been a fixture in the mixological world. This particular refresher comes from the classic Savoy Cocktail Book of 1930. Like their cousins, Tom Collins and the Fizzes, coolers are served in a tall glass with plenty of ice and topped with soda water. Any number of drinks are named for schools of higher learning, and today we are off …
    By Robert H., 143 words
  4. FXRant, , more info

    Hal Hickel on Creating Tarkin
    Back in 2020, Hal Hickel answered a Quora question with great detail about how we created Grand Moff Tarkin for "Rogue One" (2016), and in the interest of film history preservation, I got Hal's permission to reprint it here. (I was a lead on the digital human team at ILM for Tarkin, and worked closely with Hal on the film.)Hal summarizes our process succinctly, and corrects many misconceptions and untruths …
    By Todd Vaziri, 1,733 words
  5. Hugo Landau, , more info

    [Hμblog] Hire me
    Hire meLooking for a new role. Expertise in cryptography, security, networking, reversing. Dev, ops, security. Amongst other things I've authored a QUIC implementation, a Let's Encrypt client and an RFC. I gave a talk about reverse engineering an Ethernet controller's firmware at 37C3. LinkedIn / contact details.
    By Hugo Landau, 50 words
  6. The River Beat, , more info

    River Wensum, Norfolk
    I went to Norfolk this month to fish a chalkstream. It was my first foray to the chalkstreams of East Anglia.18 JuneIn the theme of this season the river was bursting at the seams with water which was of the aged brandy persuasion, rather than gin or somewhere approaching a single malt whisky.I fished flat out from 10 am to 6 pm. I saw only two trout and both were …
    By Justin, 506 words
  7. Tall, Snarky Canadian, , more info

    My impressions of ReScript
    I maintain a GitHub Action called check-for-changed-files. For the purpose of this blog post what the action does isn't important, but the fact that I authored it originally in TypeScript is. See, one day I tried to update the NPM dependencies. Unfortunately, that update broke everything in a really bad way due to how the libraries I used to access PR details changed and howthe TypeScript types changed. I had …
    By Brett Cannon, 839 words
  8. Marius Masalar, , more info

    I guess I collect analog watches now
    Lately, I’ve found myself captivated by analog watches. I spent a long time admiring them from afar, mostly as intricate little capsules of human ingenuity and craftsmanship—fascinating to admire, but unobtainable. I couldn’t make sense of owning one in a world where the cheapest digital watch is more accurate than the most expensive analog. My problem, of course, was thinking of analog watches as useful. They’re not. And I don’t …
    1,490 words
  9. The Rosenrot | A Collection of Fashion Essays, , more info

    Slow Fashion – An Impossible Goal?
    A few days ago, Business of Fashion posted an op-ed on the difficulties faced by companies operating a slow-fashion model. The term was first coined as the answer to the problems of fast fashion. Though it gained steam during the pandemic, it seems to have disappeared into obscurity when global economic conditions nosedived in the last year. To operate a slow fashion model in the age of next day delivery …
    By Gracia Ventus, 1,157 words
  10. Old Deptford History, , more info

    William Joseph Armitage
    Greetings!My name is Wes Long and I am a writer with the Salt Lake City Weekly. I happened upon your website and thought you might have some insight or suggestions on what I could do to locate information on a residence in old Deptford.I am researching an article on an artist named William Joseph Armitage (1820-1890), who at the age of 15/16 was admitted to the Royal Academy of Arts …
    By Andy, 204 words
  11. Essays by Suhas Guruprasad, , more info

    Great Engineering Managers
    This is my curated list of qualities that great engineering managers exhibit. I’ll try to keep this list updated as I learn more about great engineering managers. Direction, protection and order: A great leader shows their team a clear direction to take (vision), protects the team from failures and uncertainties (appreciation, empathy, growing people), and goes about the whole process in an orderly fashion (no chaos, well planned, well communicated). …
    619 words
  12. Permanent Style, , more info

    Reader profile: Tetsuya
    Reader profile: Tetsuya Wednesday, June 19th 2024Tags: JacketsShoesStylebernard zinsbryceland'scharvetcifonelliHermesJohn Lobbjohn smedley Share Share this post Subscribe 11 Comments ||- Begin Content -|| Tetsuya Yamashita is a reader that Lucas knows rather than me. Back in the days when he ran the Drake’s pop-up in the old Beige shop in Paris, Tetsuya was a regular visitor, and is still a friend of Beige today. In fact we used their shop as …
    By Simon Crompton, 1,474 words
  13. Strange Flowers, , more info

    The mask dancers
    The first of many oddities in these pictures – granted, it is hard to choose – is arguably the tone. Why are these photos, with imagery that looks contemporary or certainly no more than 50 years old, rendered in antique sepia? But the when is no less perplexing than the who, the where and the why. To begin with the when: they were in fact taken in 1924 by Minya …
    By James J. Conway, 1,854 words
  14. Roland Tanglao, , more info

    Lessons learned: Flickr API limit of 1 API request / second means running 12 threads in parallel then I need to delay at least 1 second between API requests (assuming my code needs 1 second to do its thing) and get the bare minimum metadata & flickr ids are larger than ruby max int which breaks ruby sorting
    Lessons learned from my super long flickr average colour thread on Mastodon: Lessons learned: Flickr API limit of 1 API request / second means that if I am running 12 threads in parallel then I need delay minimum of 1 second between API requests (assuming my code needs 1 second to do its thing) and get the bare minimum metadata. I also learned that flickr integer ids are bigger than …
    1,260 words
  15. Early Modern Notes, , more info

    Time flew
    This blog is twenty years old. It’s not going away any time soon, but it’s not likely to become a hive of activity either. Not many academic history/humanities blogs I knew in 2004 are still around at all, and even fewer are still doing all the odd things we did then with any regularity. We do that on social media nowadays, don’t we? With added emojis. On the other hand, …
    By Sharon Howard, 136 words