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  1. The New English Landscape, , more info

    The view from the train
    Balcony horticulture, 2023 The social and political after-effects of the catastrophe of the First World War included recognising that many who had sacrificed their lives had done so with little if any stake in the nation’s future. Of those who had survived – a lot of whom had come from conditions of brutal poverty – found themselves returning to the same conditions, seemingly unrewarded. Not surprisingly, political consequences followed. ‘Homes …
    By thenewenglishlandscape, 1,089 words
  2., , more info

    The most valuable part of Living Computers can’t be sold at auction
    Kurt Schlosser, GeekWire: Living Computers Museum + Labs, the Seattle institution created by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen as a hands-on showcase for rare computing technology and interactive displays, will not reopen, more than four years after closing just ahead of the pandemic. […] The estate also announced Tuesday that some key pieces from Allen’s personal collection of computer artifacts, displayed over the years at Living Computers, will be …
    By iliana etaoin, 438 words
  3. Bad Game Hall of Fame, , more info

    What We’ve Been up To
    It's the update you've all been dreading: The admission by me that I've still been suffering from writer's block for well over a full year now, and that I don't rightly know if I'll ever get back to it!
    By Cassidy, 44 words
  4. Our Incredible Journey, , more info

    24 June 2024
    24 June 2024…we’re beyond excited to share that Multi is joining OpenAI!Unfortunately, this means we’re sunsetting Multi. We’ve closed new team signups, and currently active teams will be able to use the app until July 24, 2024, after which we’ll delete all user data. …Thank you to everybody who used Multi. It was a privilege building with you, and we learnt a ton from you.
    68 words
  5. Landreville, , more info

    By landreville, 1 word
  6. Jessie's blog, , more info

    Canada Post - Oversized Lettermail Postage Calculations - 2024
    Inspired by an older list I saw online, I did some math to determine how to get exact values for oversized Lettermail postage. It’s not a clean effort unfortunately, you’ll be using small denominations for some of them. Here are the fixed stamp values as referred to below. These are the prices for purchasing stamps in a pane, not individually. 0.99 = Permanent Canada stamp 1.40 = US stamp 2.09 …
    By Jessie Nabein, 235 words
  7. Ben Overmyer, , more info

    2024 Midyear Project Update
    2024 has been a hectic year so far. Most recently, we very nearly moved to western New York, but a series of unfortunate events and observations made us reconsider at the last second and decide to continue renting in Wilmington. I haven't made any progress on reigniting my morning jogging habit. However, once my leg heals (dermatology thing, don't ask), I intend to start it up again. I completely halted …
    391 words
  8. Game Boy Essentials, , more info

    Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
    Metal Gear: Ghost Babel North American release in April 2000 Japanese release in April 2000 European release in May 2000 Published by Konami Developed by TOSE It’s such a clash to have the intricate artwork of a mature stealth title sitting next to the Technicolor smorgasbord logo of the Game Boy Color. It feels like Konami was getting away with murder. Like this game shouldn’t be on Game Boy Color. …
    4,766 words
  9. The Zozzled Cocktail, , more info

    Harvard Cooler
    Summer is here. Time to cool off. Cocktail coolers have long been a fixture in the mixological world. This particular refresher comes from the classic Savoy Cocktail Book of 1930. Like their cousins, Tom Collins and the Fizzes, coolers are served in a tall glass with plenty of ice and topped with soda water. Any number of drinks are named for schools of higher learning, and today we are off …
    By Robert H., 143 words
  10. FXRant, , more info

    Hal Hickel on Creating Tarkin
    Back in 2020, Hal Hickel answered a Quora question with great detail about how we created Grand Moff Tarkin for "Rogue One" (2016), and in the interest of film history preservation, I got Hal's permission to reprint it here. (I was a lead on the digital human team at ILM for Tarkin, and worked closely with Hal on the film.)Hal summarizes our process succinctly, and corrects many misconceptions and untruths …
    By Todd Vaziri, 1,733 words
  11. Hugo Landau, , more info

    [Hμblog] Hire me
    Hire meLooking for a new role. Expertise in cryptography, security, networking, reversing. Dev, ops, security. Amongst other things I've authored a QUIC implementation, a Let's Encrypt client and an RFC. I gave a talk about reverse engineering an Ethernet controller's firmware at 37C3. LinkedIn / contact details.
    By Hugo Landau, 50 words
  12. The River Beat, , more info

    River Wensum, Norfolk
    I went to Norfolk this month to fish a chalkstream. It was my first foray to the chalkstreams of East Anglia.18 JuneIn the theme of this season the river was bursting at the seams with water which was of the aged brandy persuasion, rather than gin or somewhere approaching a single malt whisky.I fished flat out from 10 am to 6 pm. I saw only two trout and both were …
    By Justin, 506 words
  13. Tall, Snarky Canadian, , more info

    My impressions of ReScript
    I maintain a GitHub Action called check-for-changed-files. For the purpose of this blog post what the action does isn't important, but the fact that I authored it originally in TypeScript is. See, one day I tried to update the NPM dependencies. Unfortunately, that update broke everything in a really bad way due to how the libraries I used to access PR details changed and howthe TypeScript types changed. I had …
    By Brett Cannon, 839 words
  14. Marius Masalar, , more info

    I guess I collect analog watches now
    Lately, I’ve found myself captivated by analog watches. I spent a long time admiring them from afar, mostly as intricate little capsules of human ingenuity and craftsmanship—fascinating to admire, but unobtainable. I couldn’t make sense of owning one in a world where the cheapest digital watch is more accurate than the most expensive analog. My problem, of course, was thinking of analog watches as useful. They’re not. And I don’t …
    1,490 words
  15. The Rosenrot | A Collection of Fashion Essays, , more info

    Slow Fashion – An Impossible Goal?
    A few days ago, Business of Fashion posted an op-ed on the difficulties faced by companies operating a slow-fashion model. The term was first coined as the answer to the problems of fast fashion. Though it gained steam during the pandemic, it seems to have disappeared into obscurity when global economic conditions nosedived in the last year. To operate a slow fashion model in the age of next day delivery …
    By Gracia Ventus, 1,157 words