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  1. Boris Dralyuk, , more info

    “To Cry a While in the Wind”: Tamara Andreeva Comes to Los Angeles
    Tamara Andreeva in 1930 Nearly a decade ago, writing for the Los Angeles Review of Books, of which I was not yet the editor, I reported on some of the earliest discoveries I made on my long search for the voices of LA’s Russophone past. Among them was the journal The Land of Columbus (Zemlya Columba), which folded after two issues in 1936 and 1937. As I wrote in 2015, …
    By bdralyuk, 759 words
  2. Sheep.Horse - The Blog of Andrew Stephens, , more info

    There is golf at the Olympics. This is a mistake for many reasons but primarily that golf is a bad and very boring game. But what always surprises me is...
    31 words
  3. New Things Under the Sun, , more info

    The Decline in Writing About Progress
    The rise and fall of our interest in progress?
    By Matt Clancy, 15 words
  4. Flow, , more info

    Who Severed the Tiger’s Spine?: Traumas of Occupation and Partition in ExhumaSoohee Kang / University of Texas at Austin
    A poster for Exhuma, designed to hint at the silhouette of the Korean Peninsula In March 2024, the supernatural horror film Exhuma (파묘, Jang Jae-Hyun, 2024) surpassed ten million ticket sales, becoming the first Korean occult genre film to join the “Ten Million Club.”[1] The plot begins with young but renowned shaman Hwa-Rim (Kim Go-Eun) being hired by ultra-wealthy Park Ji-Yong to identify his newborn son’s illness. Determining the cause …
    By Soohee Kang / University of Texas at Austin, 1,831 words
  5. Internet Archive Blogs, , more info

    LISTEN: New POLITICO Tech podcast episode out, ‘Meet the man archiving Biden’s presidency’
    Episode: ‘Meet the man archiving Biden’s presidency’ From POLITICO Tech: “The transition from one presidential administration to the next is generally thought to start around Election Day and end with the inauguration. But for the Internet Archive, it’s already underway. The nonprofit leads a coalition of libraries and universities that works to preserve the government’s digital history and to protect it from partisan tampering during administration changes. On POLITICO Tech, …
    By Chris Freeland, 111 words
  6. Information Flaneur, , more info

    VALA 2024
    I missed the first day of VALA 2024, but I was there for days 2 and 3. The subsequent few weeks at work were ...eventful, including getting Covid (not from the conference). So this is my belated write-up of what I learned and observed at VALA 2024. Sites of resistance in the digital age The keynote on Wednesday morning was from dynamic Deakin University duo Hero Macdonald and Tui Raven. …
    By Hugh Rundle, 2,062 words
  7. Houston Foresight – Blog, , more info

    Save the Date: Spring Gathering 2025
    Looking to the next 50 years of Houston Foresight. We hope you’ll join us in 2025 as we glimpse back on the last 50 and get ready for the next! Registration coming soon, but mark your calendars now for this special event with alumni, students, faculty, and foresight friends.
    By Nicci Obert, 55 words
  8. Morphosis, , more info

    Blue Book Balloon reviews "Lake of Darkness"
    In Lake of Darkness, what goes wrong is slightly mysterious. It may be a threat from an Ancient Evil which meddling scientists have unleashed from its prison (cue a great deal of speculation about who or what would be capable of constructing this prison and the paradoxes it builds into the universe). Or it may be that the evil has been loose and ac time for aeons. Or it may …
    By Adam Roberts, 554 words
  9. Monster Zone, , more info

    The Color Out of Space (2010)
    Starring Paul Dorsch, Jürgen Heimüller, Ingo Heise, Michael Kausch, Philipp Jacobs, Olaf Krätke, Marco Leibnitz, Ralf Lichtenberg and Patrick Pierce. Written and directed by Huân Vu. Produced by Jan Roth, Peter Tillisch and Huân Vu for Sphärentor Filmproduktionen. This film looks nice in b&w This adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s 1927 short story ‘The Colour Out of Space’, about the weird effects a meteorite has on local people, animals and plants, …
    By Ken Miller, 473 words
  10. Asaf Karagila | Blog Archive, , more info

    Conferences: unsolicited advice
    Well, that was quite the week! As the last few posts had possibly clued you in, we hosted a conference in Leeds this past week. We had around 50 participants, including the speakers and poster presentations. I am very grateful for everyone who came here, those that spoke and did such a wonderful job, the posters that were so fascinating, and the audience that asked questions. I'm really grateful to …
    90 words
  11. (lambda (x) (create x)), , more info

    OCC 2024
    OCC 2024 Retrospective · July 27th, 2024 I'm apparently really bad at doing anything in a timely manner these days. There's never enough hours in the day to accomplish the things that I'd like to do, such is life sometimes. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try! How thematic for this year's OCC, no? Just because something is obsolete, doesn't mean it's useless, or unworthy of effort. Sure it might …
    880 words
  12. Marc Brooker's Blog - Marc's Blog, , more info

    Garbage Collection and Metastability
    Garbage Collection and Metastability Cleaning up is hard to do. I’ve written a lot about stability and metastability, but haven’t touched on one other common cause of metastability in large-scale systems: garbage collection. GC is great. Garbage collected languages like Javascript, Java, Python, and Go power a big chunk of the internet’s infrastructure. Until Rust came along, choosing memory safety typically implied choosing garbage collection. For almost all applications, languages …
    By Marc Brooker, 469 words
  13., , more info

    Shed Build - Part 3: Walls, Window, Paint
    Shed Build - Part 3: Walls, Window, Paint Part 1: Foundations Part 2: Framing and Roofing Walls little compressornew 3d printed part Window Paint Trim workbench Tags: shed, house, diy, woodworkingSimilar posts: Shed Build - Part 2: Framing and Roofing Shed Build - Part 1: Foundations DIY Sliding Door Add or read comments to this article »»Copyright © 2024 Andreas GohrThis feed is for personal, non commercial use in the …
    By andi, 115 words
  14. web-goddess, , more info

    This word means the tendency to forget names. This is something I’ve struggled with a LOT in recent years. I’m not sure what the cause is: the fact that my jobs at YOW and AWS meant meeting so many people? Did I get long Covid? Or is it one of the many joys of perimenopause? Or maybe it’s just getting older… At any rate, it’s incredibly frustrating to be able …
    By Kris, 90 words
  15. Mapping London, , more info

    Kew Circular Walk
    Kew is one of London’s leafy surburban neighbourhoods. Situated on a long curve of the River Thames, ot is of course famous for Kew Gardens,
    By Ollie, 28 words