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  1. The Dirtbag Dao — Blog, , more info

    We Bought Land in Colorado!
    Exciting news on the Dirtbag journey! Mr. Dirtbag Daoist and I bought 5 acres of vacant land on the Western Slope of Colorado!If the regular American dream is a house with a white picket fence, the American vehicle nomad dream is to buy a plot of empty land to park your rig on. This is easier said than done, as the US has many regulations that govern what you can …
    By The Dirtbag Daoist, 1,643 words
  2. Good Stuff NW, , more info

    In a Jam with Preserves? This Simple Hack Makes Fruit Jams Easy
    My family loves jam—Dave's homemade sourdough toasted in our old-school two-slice toaster is most of the reason—so this time of year I make a lot of it. And I'm talking about gallons of the stuff, enough to last us until the fruit ripens again next summer. So far this summer alone I've made raspberry, marionberry, strawberry, blackberry and two kinds of plum jam, with Dave's special citrus marmalade rounding out …
    528 words
  3. The Brushpainter, , more info

    Not Dead Yet
    Wow. I guess this “covid” thing is real. I’m “recovered” now but really– so much B.S. has been spilt over this it just boggles the mind. Almost as much as the evil Chinese bio-weapon itself. Having gone through a bout of Corona Virus I now know what it means to peer into the abyss. You don’t want to catch this, but I’m inclined to think that there are few real …
    By Brushpainter, 150 words
  4. Emily F. Gorcenski, , more info

    To Forget is an Ethical Act
    On and off for the last several years I’ve been manually curating my roughly 40,000 lifetime tweets. I recently finished, and in the process embarked on an unexpected journey of self-discovery. In Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sonntag concludes with an observation that remembrance is an act with ethical weight and, as a corollary, that in the prevention of future suffering it is also sometimes necessary to choose to …
    3,706 words
  5. | Peter Rukavina's Weblog, , more info

    Clouds, that way
    Lisa says there’s been something different about the clouds this summer, something more dramatic. Or maybe we’re just paying more attention? But last night, over Charlottetown Harbour, there was drama in the sky.
    By Peter Rukavina, 36 words
  6. Municipal Dreams, , more info

    Memory in Society: municipalism and social mobility illustrated and the future of curating family histories
    I hope Municipal Dreams, the blog, has provided a useful political and design history of council housing (amongst other things) but the aspect I value most is the social history it tells. People read about the town or the estate in which they or their parents grew up or, less directly, they see a story that echoes their own. Given that one in two of the early post-war generation lived …
    By Municipal Dreams, 2,265 words
  7. Accessibility in government, , more info

    Tackling a system's accessibility without testing
    The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provides a helpful framework for identifying technical accessibility issues, but what happens when the same issues crop up time and again? How can you find the causes and change the culture of the team behind the system?
    By James Buller, 49 words
  8. BBC R&D - Blog, , more info

    Sounds Daily - trialing generative AI & synthetic voices to deliver personalised audio streams
    The front door closes and you walk towards your vehicle. Opening the door and settling in for another journey, you place your phone in its cradle. You think of today’s to-do list, the groceries, the journey to see family or friends. You tap Sounds Daily to be greeted by a friendly, but not quite human voice welcoming you to “The best of BBC Sounds - made just for you”. The …
    By Joanna Rusznica, 1,230 words
  9. The Research Whisperer, , more info

    Encouraging engagement
    This post is an edited interview transcript of our discussion with the wonderful Tamika Heiden for the 2024 Research Impact Summit – which is on this week (5-6 Sept; all online and all free!). We were really pleased that Tamika asked us to speak at the Summit. She has been at the forefront of thoughtful work around research impact, engagement, and knowledge translation for many years. Please note that this …
    By Research Whisperer, 1,299 words
  10. DJ Adams, , more info

    Setting up a cache server for apt packages
    Some notes on setting up an apt-cacher-ng based cache server for Debian apt packages in my home operations ("homeops") context, including a section on using SSL/TLS origin servers. Background Living on and working primarily from my narrowboat means I'm generally more mindful of what I consume, and the resources available to me. Water, electricity, gas, and fuel for the stove in the colder months. And while I have an "all …
    3,059 words
  11. Ben Viveur, , more info

    BV London Pub of the Year 2023-24 - the results
    What takes place once a year and involves me drinking large quantities of beer? Well, OK, it could be practically anything, admittedly, but, more specifically, it's the BV London Pub of the Year award. Yes, it's a painstaking process, visiting and revisiting pubs to determine which one is the best in the capital, but I've been doing it for well over a decade now and you can thank me later. …
    By Benjamin Nunn, 470 words
  12., , more info

    Barbados Homicide Statistics January to August 2024
    There have been at least 34 homicides in Barbados between January 1 and August 31. My count and subsequent analysis is based exclusively on what is reported by The Media. The numbers and analysis below are not to be treated as official in any form or fashion. Note to Image 1: Parish information for one…
    By Amit Uttamchandani, 62 words
  13., , more info

    2024-09-02 23:12
    hello all! no more art will be posted on this log/RSS feed; i’m merging/updating it to a new art blog powered by tegalog instead of wordpress. the new RSS link is not “quite” live yet because i haven’t transferred the domain, but will be live in the next month. please update your current RSS feed to the feed below: i will post one more update when it’s confirmed to …
    By kradeelav, 81 words
  14. Stay & Roam, , more info

    Visby på 35mm
    We hit that point in the year where we could no longer resist the call of Gotland. I packed two cameras for the…
    By Gemma Evans, 26 words
  15. East of Elveden, , more info

    Of Whales and Ancestors: Ostend, Norfolk
    The very mention of the village of Happisburgh in Norfolk brings to mind all manner of prehistoric associations and connections with long-extinct ancestors. The early years of this current century have revealed exciting local evidence of the presence of earliest hominins in northwest Europe: Homo antecessor (‘Pioneer Man’) – near million-year-old clues in the form … Continue reading "Of Whales and Ancestors: Ostend, Norfolk"
    By East of Elveden, 70 words