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  1., , more info

    2024-09-21 10:19
    I meet so many aspiring designers who proudly assert that they’re really good at “ideas”. The world does not need more idea people, at least until it catches up on the inspiring backlog of Matt Webb’s ideas. We need to make home-defragging robots before dreaming up new things to buy.
    50 words
  2. Speed Force, , more info

    Flash #13 Preview
    DC has posted several preview pages from next week’s issue of The Flash, and you can see them at Adventures In Poor Taste. The preview features Wally’s last-ditch effort to save the Speed Force — and consequently all of time and reality — from the poison injected by the Arc Angles. Check it out at the link! THE FLASH #13 Written by SIMON SPURRIER Art and cover by RAMÓN PÉREZ …
    By Lia, 159 words
  3. cultural snow, , more info

    About Poppy Baynham
    There have been hundreds of (two, actually) complaints about an art work by one Poppy Baynham in a gallery in Hay-on-Wye which includes a black triangle with pink wool on top and those of you who recall (however vaguely) my past posts about Gustave Courbet and Deborah de Robertis and Egon Schiele and Leena McCall will realise that, yes, he’s talking about ladyparts again or, more specifically, images of ladyparts, …
    By Tim F, 164 words
  4. Zompist’s E-Z rant page, , more info

    Fairy vs. walrus
    A question from Tumblr user baddywronglegs: I’ve asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now I have access to more weirdos it’s your problem:It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren’t expecting visitors, deliveries or post.Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.Which of these would surprise you more to find on the doorstep? Fairy or Walrus? Apparently 80% of the …
    By zompist, 1,442 words
  5. Is That in the Bible?, , more info

    Melchizedek: How a Literary Phantom Became an Eternal Priest and Savior of Israel
    Note: This article is based on updated research and is intended to replace my old article on Melchizedek, written several years ago. It has also been produced as a documentary at the MythVision YouTube channel. Melchizedek. You’ve probably heard that name before, but many Christians would be hard-pressed to tell you who he was or […]
    By Paul D., 69 words
  6. Book Jotter, , more info

    Winding Up the Week #392
    An end of week recap “No one who loves life can ignore literature, and no one who loves literature can ignore life.” – Laura Esquivel This is a post in which I summarise books read, reviewed and currently on my TBR shelf. In addition to a variety of literary titbits, I look ahead to forthcoming features, see what’s on the nightstand and keep readers abreast of various book-related happenings. CHATTERBOOKS …
    By Paula Bardell-Hedley, 3,067 words
  7. Book and Sword – pontifex minimus, , more info

    Saint Hippolytus the Skeptic
    Albrecht Dürer’s print “The Witch” from around 1500. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession Number 17.37.31 I visited Dürer’s house, it was saved from bombing by being built next to the city wall. About sixty years ago, L. Sprague de Camp discovered a list of ancient magic tricks and stagecraft. Most of the tricks employed by the witch Saphanbaal to awe her clients (in my novel) are described by Bishop …
    By Sean, 640 words
  8. Boak & Bailey's Beer Blog, , more info

    News, nuggets and longreads 21 September 2024: Endless Night
    Here’s all the writing about beer that grabbed our attention in the past week, from Old Puke to Moons Under Water. First, in the news, an academic study has found that people drink less when they’re offered only the choice of ⅔-of-a-pint glasses, and not full pints. Yes, we know this sounds obvious, but the really interesting bit is this: “Researchers found drinkers tend to stick to a specific number …
    By Boak & Bailey, 1,251 words
  9. 🧞‍♀️✨ Infinite Wishes, , more info

    A Joyful Return of Old Web Techniques
    Credit: By the author A Joyful Return of Old Web Techniques 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00, by Emma Humphries, from Infinite Wishes 🏳️‍⚧️🚀 I’m happy to see folks who had accounts on Cohost set up their own web sites (which is a wonderful response to see in response to the beloved site’s demise.) People are creating blogs, web rings, and OPML files with the feeds of ex-Cohost users. Some are making tools such as …
    284 words
  10. Jon Udell, , more info

    deo absente deum culpa
    On a recent trip I saw this pair of Latin phrases tattooed on the back of a flight attendant’s arms: Left: Deo absente. Right: Deum culpa. I took Latin in middle school, and could guess what the combination might mean. It’s not a common construction, and a search seems to confirm my guess. Both Google and Bing take you to a couple of Reddit posts in r/Latin. Would this be …
    By Jon Udell, 237 words
  11. Uses This, , more info

    Miriam Suzanne
    Who are you, and what do you do? I'm Miriam Suzanne, and I make (mostly collaborative) things. I like working with creative teams. Around these (online) parts, I'm mostly making things with HTML and CSS. 20 years ago my theater needed a website, so I learned to make websites. Then another for my band, and it snowballed to become OddBird – a small web agency that's been doing some pretty …
    847 words
  12. Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP, , more info

    Women In Theory
    My dear wife, Kathryn Farley, just woke me this Friday the 20th from a nap with something that she said was amazing. She told me it was the top most viewed video of the entire day—over a million views. It was indeed terrific—especially for a video by women who work in complexity theory. A Result From Simons As part of their flashback series, they are sharing one of the most …
    By rjlipton, 166 words
  13. Luke's Wild Website - Blog, , more info

    Keep your Obsidian vault downloaded with iOS 18
    Syncing Obsidian over iCloud is a lot less painful now that iOS 18 is out. I can individually set folders in iCloud to stay downloaded, and setting this on the Obsidian folder had great results: Obsidian now takes 15.11s to become interactive on a cold open with no community plugins. If you think 15 and .11 seconds is a long time to wait before you can write notes, consider this: …
    By Luke Harris, 160 words
  14. Plainly & Painfully, , more info

    TRACK | Casual Technicians – Dark Matter Falling
    5/5 golden merles America’s heart is effectively vestigial, the body running on delusion alone. But every now and again it beats, startling and amusing us. Folk rock, alt country, freak folk, anti-folk; whatever dendritic subgenre Casual Technician’s “Dark Matter Falling” roughly fits into beyond Rock, these are things that exist in a state of defiance to the grotesque bulk of another definition. Please remember that the heart is also an …
    By z-s, 290 words
  15. Matt Edgar writes here, , more info

    Back to weeknotes: 16 to 20 September 2024
    Heritage Open Days trip to the Fulneck Moravian Settlement Back to weeknotes after a hiatus brought about by – variously – a change of government, the summer holidays, and a house move. Song of the week: Yard Act – Fixer Upper. I had planned 10 days off for the move, but ended up taking a full 2 weeks. I’m glad that I did. I’m writing this on the sofa in …
    By mattedgar, 597 words