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  1. Far Outliers, , more info

    Berlin, 1878: Prelude to Versailles, 1919
    From From Peoples into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe, by John Connelly (Princeton University Press, 2020), Kindle pp. 210-212, 238-240: In 1878, representatives of Europe’s major powers convened in the capital of the new German nation-state for negotiations that bear all the hallmarks of the more famous effort in decolonization and democratization that transpired at Paris after World War I. At Berlin in 1878, statesmen determined the boundaries, constitutions, …
    By Joel, 1,189 words
  2. Glorious Noise, , more info

    New Lizzy McAlpine: Pushing It Down and Praying
    Video: Lizzy McAlpine – “Pushing It Down and Praying” From the deluxe Older (and Wiser), out October 4 on RCA/Sony. I got into Lizzy McAlpine this summer after reading Amanda Petrusich’s New Yorker profile. Her album Older is great and now she’s releasing an expanded version with five new songs. The “deluxe reissue six months after the original release” game is a racket, of course, but that’s the music business …
    By Jake Brown, 190 words
  3. wood•life•studio | Blog, , more info

    🌸 Noire Henro-san: Sunday in Kochi City
    Local heros: Three men of Kochi. A Little Trip To Kochi City On Sunday, that same Sunday I met a man and his mother, I continued on the bus to Kochi City. I got off in front of … 🐞 Read more about it ➞ ➞ ➞
    By Shirley J, 54 words
  4. Laughing Squid, , more info

    Why Hats Fell Out of Favor With the General Public in the Middle of the 20th Century
    warmbru curiosity explored why, after centuries of wearing hats, the trend fell out of favor in the middle of the 20th century. He explained that while both men and women wore hats for practical reasons, such as to keep the elements at bay, hats were also indicative of society and class. Why did hats suddenly almost die out? Not completely but to a large extent. Let’s first consider why people …
    By Lori Dorn, 314 words
  5. Grand Old Movies, , more info

    Purplish Musings At Noon
    I love the title Purple Noon. It’s the name for the 1960 French film adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novel The Talented Mr. Ripley; and while Highsmith’s title explains, with cold-blooded cheek, the character of her murderously desiring protagonist who wants everything, Purple Noon tells you what he desires: A world of summer heat and sun and, especially, luxury, as exemplified by that color Purple—the shade of royalty, the aristocrat’s hue, …
    By Grand Old Movies, 1,620 words
  6. Southeast Asia construction, transport, and infrastructure, , more info

    Myths and realities of the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link
    Why there won’t be a high-speed railway from Singapore to China, and how Thailand and Malaysia have set back a truly unified system by years. The Singapore-Kunming Rail Link (SKRL) is a planned network of railways to create a unified line from Kunming to Singapore. This is part of the Pan-Asian Railway, which envisions three routes connecting Kunming to Southeast Asia: – Western route via Myanmar – Central route via …
    By James Clark, 1,510 words
  7. Stratechery by Ben Thompson, , more info

    Enterprise Philosophy and The First Wave of AI
    The popular history of technology usually starts with the personal computer, and for good reason: that was the first high tech device that most people ever used. The only thing more impressive than the sheer audacity of “A computer on every desk and in every home” as a corporate goal, is the fact that Microsoft accomplished it, with help from its longtime competitor Apple. In fact, though, the personal computer …
    By Ben Thompson, 5,172 words
  8. A Just Recompense, , more info

    Maya Binyam: Hangman (Picador 2023) [IBR2024]
    In the morning, I received a phone call and was told to board a flight. The arrangements had been made on my behalf. I packed no clothes because my clothes had been packed for me. A car arrived to pick me up. The radio announced traffic due to an accident involving a taxicab driver, a police officer, and a woman whose occupation the dispatcher did not care to identify. But …
    By Karen Carlson, 1,140 words
  9. Rev Stan's theatre blog, , more info

    Review: Ostan, Park Theatre - car washing and gaming in busy immigration play
    Serkan Avlik and Ojan Genc in Ostan, Park Theatre. Photo Jack Bush Arzhang Pezhman's play Ostan is set in a car wash where owner Shapur (Dana Haqjoo) employs asylum seekers. Rebin (Ojan Genc) doggedly chases progress on his application for indefinite leave while trying to train newbie Gorkem (Serkan Avlik)...
    By Rev Stan, 63 words
  10. Matt Gemmell, , more info

    Mini-story: The Puzzle (Updated)
  11. The Technium, , more info

    Weekly Links, 09/20/2024
    One showcase for AI gen video is to re-make trailers of famous sci-fi films. Here is the Fifth Element from the 1950s. The Fifth Element – 1950’s Super Panavision 70
    By Kevin Kelly, 33 words
  12. Journeyman's Journal, , more info

    China’s Outstanding Craftsmen
    View this post on Instagram A post shared by mixdazzle (@mixdazzle) What more can be said about this. This is true craftsmanship
    By The Lost Scrolls of Handwork, 25 words
  13. Municipal Dreams, , more info

    Kate Macintosh talks to Thaddeus Zupančič, Part One
    This week and next, I’m very pleased to feature this interview between my good friend Thaddeus Zupančič and Kate Macintosh, the esteemed architect of Dawson’s Heights housing estate in south London (1966-72), the Grade II-listed sheltered housing Macintosh Court (1969-72), also in south London, and Weston Adventure Playground in Southampton (with her life partner George Finch, RIBA Award 2005). These are her best-known projects, but while working for county architects …
    By Municipal Dreams, 1,656 words
  14. Simon schreibt., , more info

    Being a Tech Art Detective
    This is a talk I gave for the Toulouse Game Dev Master Class. I talk about my methods of discovering cool game art tricks (which I then document on this blog) by asking around, doing research, using mod tools or injecting into the rendering process with Intel GPA, RenderDoc or NVIDIA NSight. I didn’t embed the video directly to avoid any tracking from Google and complications with the DSGVO. I …
    By Simon, 157 words
  15. St. John's Wort, , more info

    Granite Brewery X St. John’s Wort Fisher King ESB
    I’ll be honest with you. I don’t like my Birthday. September 9th has more often than not been the first day of school. Monday, Tuesday. Didn’t matter. Sometimes it would be on the weekend before, but the odds were that my Birthday signalled the first day of school. It always felt like they were telling me to get on with it. As I’m riding to The Granite, early in the …
    1,522 words