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  1. Evert's Dugout, , more info

    New Structured Fields RFC out, and so is my Javascript package
    A new RFC was released for Structured Fields: RFC9651. What is it? HTTP headers have been a bit of a free-for all in terms of how complex values are encoded, with many headers requiring their own mini-parser. A while back an effort was started to fix this for headers going forward, named ‘Structured Fields’. They’re called Fields and not ‘Headers’ because HTTP has both Headers and Trailers! Structured fields let …
    By Evert Pot, 498 words
  2. 🧞‍♀️✨ Infinite Wishes, , more info

    🐈‍⬛ and XSLT
    🐈‍⬛ and XSLT 2024-10-04T00:00:00+00:00, by Emma Humphries, from Infinite Wishes 🏳️‍⚧️🚀 On the last day one could post on Cohost, I put together a repository with an Atom to HTML stylesheet with folks who were on Cohost in mind. Since then, I’ve been playing with the idea of why not just post a feed and a stylesheet? So I created a site at which is just that: an Atom …
    337 words
  3. Open Culture, , more info

    The Greatest Shot in Television: Science Historian James Burke Had One Chance to Nail This Scene … and Nailed It
    The 80-second clip above captures a rocket launch, something of which we’ve all seen footage at one time or another. What makes its viewers call it “the greatest shot in television” still today, 45 years after it first aired, may take more than one viewing to notice. In it, science historian James Burke speaks about how “certain gases ignite, and that the thermos flask permits you to store vast quantities …
    By Colin Marshall, 459 words
  4. Lost Boy, , more info

    How to accidentally DDOS yourself
    We had some performance issues last week. Entirely of our own making but not in the usual way. We nearly DDOS ourselves by sending out emails. We do a lot of analysis in Energy Sparks and, to be honest, some of it needs optimising. Tickets are in the backlog and we are exploring solutions. Anyway, one morning last week we had a sudden spike in memory and CPU usage. This …
    By Leigh Dodds, 613 words
  5. TJ Fogarty, , more info

    Tech Lead
    I've been working as a Senior Frontend Engineer for several years now at different companies. I tended to shy away from "the next step" as that usually meant not writing code. Often, it meant attending more meetings.At the same time, I also enjoy mentoring and trying to give people opportunities to do work that they find meaningful or fun. This ties into a recent change for me - I've joined …
    By TJ Fogarty, 204 words
  6. kevin spencer, , more info

    A glass of red, paired with the dulcet tones of Tangerine Dream?
    By kevin, 13 words
  7. Magpie and Old Lead, , more info

    Psyker Killers - Confrontation Gang Final Additions
    As I'm closing in on the end of the Confrontation project, I've decided to do some gap filling. This essentially means finishing off any WIP figures and making sure each gang is at least 10 models strong. After a bit of a stock-take, this meant that I needed to paint 3 more psykers, 3 more Helmawr, 2 more maniacs. Plus the Scavvy gang of course.Step 1 was to get those …
    By axiom, 106 words
  8. somethingaboutmaps, , more info

    2024 Freelance Rate Survey Results
    Thank you once again to everyone who participated in this year’s survey of freelance cartographer rates and business practices! Our apologies for the delay in posting the results; life has been busy for both Aly and myself. Before we get to the survey results, here are some handy links to take you to the previous editions: 2018 2020 2022 If you’d like to be notified when the next survey is …
    By Daniel Huffman, 137 words
  9. Earth Science Picture of the Day - a service of USRA, , more info

    Orchid Trickery
    Photographer: Neil LibbySummary Author: Neil LibbyMy son and I couldn't help but notice the center of these orchid blossoms look strikingly like orb weaver spiders. It's known many orchids are devious flowers when it comes to reproduction -- they use trickery to attract potential pollinators. In this case, perhaps the pollen mass in the central column mimics a spider to attract bird pollinators. Or, maybe to trick spiders into thinking …
    124 words
  10. Science matters, , more info

    In't language wonderful? We make these sounds with lingua, lips and larynx [Ug Ug beep beep] and other humans (and some dogs) can understand them to carry a particular meaning. Not all other humans, of course; your {family | roomies | co-workers}will probably get your drift; but someone who has just struggled from a leaking inflatable through the grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back and onto Dover …
    By BobTheScientist, 760 words
  11. Arnold Zwicky's Blog, , more info

    Every morning and every evening I send a brief e-mail to Elizabeth Daingerfield Zwicky, to reassure her that I’m still functioning. In the G’MORNIN bulletins I report my sleep times and summarize my morning vitals — my morning vital signs (always blood pressure and pulse rate, occasionally more tests if they seem to be called for). It was only this morning that I realized that morning vitals ‘morning vital signs’ …
    By arnold zwicky, 606 words
  12. Save vs. Total Party Kill, , more info

    Queen Mab
    Patrick’s launched his latest Kickstarter, Queen Mabs Palace. In a real plot twist, the book isn’t a D&D module, but a novel. I suppose novels were the first adventures. I’m reading Patrick’s last book now, Gackling Moon, which is a gazeteer for the Wodlands, a weird fantasy setting. It reminds me the Wanderer’s Journal from Dark Sun: pure vibes. There is some gaming material in the book, but it feels …
    By Ramanan Sivaranjan, 133 words
  13. Adam Argyle, , more info

    The CSS Podcast Season 5 Wrap
    Ep #91Season 5 Wrap Una and I recap our favorite moments from the season: popovers, dialogs, top layers, trig functions, color functions, :has() tricks, balanced text wrapping, linear() easing, nesting, anchoring, state queries, view transitions, and scroll driven animation. What a year for CSS! Watch · Listen
    By adam@theCSSpodcast, 53 words
  14. ZeroAir Reviews, , more info

    Wurkkos TD02 Green Flashlight Review
    🔦 Wurkkos TD02 Green Flashlight Review on ZeroAir Reviews 🔦The Wurkkos TD02 green flashlight is an inexpensive (loosely) tactical light with a single emitter and TIR. It runs one 18650 and has built-in USB-C charging. The post Wurkkos TD02 Green Flashlight Review first appeared on ZeroAir Reviews. RSS feed managed by AIOSEO.
    By zeroair, 57 words
  15. All That Is Solid ..., , more info

    The Conservative Party's Wake
    Labour didn't have a great conference. Following a supposed triumph, the mood was hardly upbeat confident. It was best typified by Keir Starmer's speech, which will only be remembered for an unfortunate misspeaking incident. Still, it was much better than the Conservative conference. Labour were subdued, but the Tories attended a catastrophe. A quick reminder about what happened in July. The collapse of the Tory position, long forecast round these …
    By Phil, 878 words