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  1. Pedestrian Observations, , more info

    Amtrak Doubles Down on False Claims About Regional Rail History to Attack Through-Running
    Amtrak just released its report a week and a half ago, saying that Penn Expansion, the project to condemn the Manhattan block south of Penn Station to add new tracks, is necessary for new capacity. I criticized the Regional Plan Association presentation made in August in advance of the report for its wanton ignorance of best practices, covering both the history of commuter rail through-running in Europe and the issue …
    By Alon Levy, 2,975 words
  2. Pröper Gander |, , more info

    Recursive Bulk File Renaming
    Introduction I had recently remembered that while I store metadata for each page in my website as shell variables instead of XML, JSON, or something truly unholy like YAML, I need not keep them inside shell scripts with the .sh extension if they're not meant to be executed. I could instead keep them in plain text files (.txt) if they're meant to be read by other shell scripts. This is …
    By Matthew Graybosch, 1,509 words
  3. Technovia, , more info

    Ten Blue Links “my god, what have I done?” edition
    1. Well who could possibly have seen this coming? I wrote a while ago that the era of major levels of affiliate revenue for publishers was going to come to an end within the next three to five years. Generative AI writing means both that Google is likely to become a sea of slop, and that anyone with a search engine – especially Google – is going to cream off …
    By Ian Betteridge, 927 words
  4. All Edinburgh, , more info

    In the mix
    Nicholas Bone on Magnetic North’s quarter century Edinburgh’s Magnetic North theatre company, creators of some a clutch of quite brilliant pieces of small scale work – and facilitators of even more – is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. We asked company founder and artistic director Nichola Bone, about the company and its work, which is highlighted this weekend with MegaMix 25. This series of sharings of works in progress, …
    By Thom Dibdin, 1,380 words
  5. jwz, , more info

    Mosaic Netscape 0.9 was released 30 years ago today
    According to my notes, it went live shortly after midnight on Oct 13, 1994. We sat in the conference room in the dark and listened to different sound effects fired for each different platform that was downloaded. At some point late that night I wandered off and wrote the first version of the page that loaded when you pressed the "What's Cool" button in the toolbar. (A couple days later, …
    By jwz, 273 words
  6. The Ideophone, , more info

    Tying ourselves into knots about reasoning
    Nithikul Mimjulrath’s process of translating a hand-knotted cup into a digital representation Knots are fascinating: they tie together topology, embodied experience, and material culture. As Thai textile artist and designer Nithikul Nimkulrath (2024) has pointed out, knots are the kind of thing we come to know “through and in making”. One of her artworks (see photo) explorers the materiality of knots by translating a physical, hand-knotted container into a 3D …
    By Mark Dingemanse, 1,070 words
  7. BusAndTrainUser, , more info

    Every route 100. 21 of 26.
    Sunday 13th October 2024 There are two bus routes numbered 100 in Greater Glasgow. I’ve already featured Glasgow Community Transport’s service to the Riverside Transport Museum in this series, so here’s the other route operated by Avondale Coaches over in Clydebank. It’s a route in two halves with two buses shuttling between Clydebank town centre and two nearby residential areas – Parkhall to the west and Linnvale to the east …
    By BusAndTrainUser, 570 words
  8. Ludicrously Niche, , more info

    Your Number's Up
    In 1982, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone popularised the gamebook genre in the United Kingdom with the first Fighting Fantasy adventure, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain -- a book authored by having Livingstone literally write the first half and Jackson the second. Jackson was responsible for the game's final puzzle, and strives to protect the book against cheaters by devising a puzzle where you have to use the numbers associated …
    By Christopher Wickham, 223 words
  9. Notes from a Room, , more info

    Some of Simone Weil’s metaphors
    We must rediscover the idea of the metaphor which is real. — First and Last Notebooks Gravity and Grace (tr. Crawford): – Any attempt to gain this deliverance by means of my own energy would be like the efforts of a cow which pulls at its hobble and so falls onto its knees. – Man only escapes from the laws of this world in lightning flashes. – Whoever endures a …
    By notesfromaroom, 875 words
  10. Pike Blog, , more info

    Pike: Run!
    I've said it before; the most exciting thing in fishing for me is a pike run. Sometimes you've been watching the float all day when suddenly it comes to life - then sails away - when it does it could signal a two pounder or it could be twenty. Not much over two in this case!
    By Brian, 58 words
  11. everybody's number one to someone, , more info

    18. Blitz - Never Surrender (No Future)
    One week at number one on 20th March 1982Thanks to this blog, Gary Bushell has been on my mind a lot lately. While attempting the daily chores such as emptying the dishwasher, hanging out the laundry or walking the dog, my thoughts have often wandered and allowed his bearded visage to emerge in mind’s eye, stoical and almost impossible to read.It’s not the first time in my life I’ve been …
    By 23 Daves, 1,631 words
  12. PostSecret, , more info

    Sunday Secret
    If you live in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or Nevada, you’re lucky. You can still register online this week to vote in the Presidential election. The post Sunday Secret appeared first on PostSecret.
    By Frank, 35 words
  13. Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho—Journal, , more info

    [journal] I Won! 2024 Longview Half Marathon Race Report
    A brand new experience for me: finishing first in a race. Assumed audience: People interested in endurance running (or endurance sports more generally), or who just like to hear what I am up to as a runner. Here is a story you ve heard from me recently: Today, I ran a race! Specifically, the half marathon event at the Longview Marathon and Half Marathon. Here is another story you have …
    By Chris Krycho, 2,298 words
  14. Allen Pike, pixel crafter, , more info

    BC Votes
    Voting is now open for BC’s election, which concludes in one week on Sat Oct 19. I’ve done voting guides for Vancouver and Canada in the past, but I’ve never done a BC one since the decision here has traditionally been simple. There has long been two viable parties: one on the left, and one on the right. This continues, with no centrist party on the ticket and the Green …
    By Allen Pike, 209 words
  15. wood•life•studio | Blog, , more info

    🌸 Noire Henro-san: Year of the Dragon
    A tanuki statue welcomes travelers to Temple 40. On entering Ehime prefecture, an ohenro is used to the journey. She is able to see things as they are, which reflects the entry to enlightenment. The fantastic, romanticized delusion of … 🐞 Read more about it ➞ ➞ ➞
    By Shirley J, 55 words