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  1. Adam Keys is typing, , more info

    Six easy pieces on Shape Up
    In short: like any method of working that is copied from one organization and pasted into another, very different organization, there are chutes and ladders. Habits and practices that will help you move faster or skip ahead outright. Anti-patterns and missteps that will set you back days and weeks. Herein, some things I learned whilst using Shape Up over the course of a few years across teams of varied experience …
    733 words
  2. Donald Clark Plan B, , more info

    UDL is is an ideologicaly-driven sham
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) claims to be revolutionary but it is an ideologically-driven sham. It does far more harm than good. Folding in some of the worst learning theory into one 'my way or the highway' approach, it literally makes no sense. It is a barely disguised expansion of discredited Learning Styles theory, with costly and ineffective prescriptions.They claim its framework promises inclusivity, adaptability, and improved access for all …
    By Donald Clark, 508 words
  3. SoftRobotCritics, , more info

    Jean Tinguely Centennial
    1925-2025.100 Years Jean Tinguely | Museum TinguelyTinguely100 – Follow the artist’s centenary activities around the worldOn 22 May 2025, the Swiss Artist Jean Tinguely (1925-1991) would have celebrated his 100th birthday. To mark this occasion, his innovative, playful and still topical oeuvre will be honoured across Europe with a range of exhibitions and a multitude of events and activities.Here you can find a selection of activities not to be missed …
    108 words
  4. St. John's Wort, , more info

    Rule #1: Beer Is Almost Never About Beer
    (Ed. Note: I’ve been writing about beer for 15 years now, and I feel as though it’s time to see if we can’t condense this knowledge down into useful information that might help explain how we got to this point. We’ve been through a boom, we’re going through some pretty serious consolidation. Did we learn anything, and if so, what? To this end, I’ve come up with a short list …
    1,466 words
  5. English Buildings, , more info

    Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
    Bardsploitation?On my many visits to Stratford-upon-Avon, I’d not paid much attention to the sign of the Hathaway Tea Rooms. It’s in a street I don’t often walk along, and if we want tea or coffee in the town, the Resident Wise Woman and I have places where we regularly go. If I noticed it at all, I probably silently condemned it as another arbitrary connection with the Shakespearian reputation (for …
    By Philip Wilkinson, 344 words
  6. 20011, , more info

    David Lodge, RIP
    Last week, the New York Times carried an obituary of David Lodge, who died on New Years at the age of 89. Going through Wikipedia's list of his works, I find that I have read four of his novels, including his most recent, Deaf Sentence, which appeared in 2006. Alvin Kernan's memoir In Plato's Cave states that Stanley Fish cheerfully acknowledged that Lodge had modeled the character Morris Zapp (Changing …
    By George, 111 words
  7. The Shape of Everything, , more info

    Some Retrobatch Droplet Tips
    Dr. Drang and Allison Sheridan have some great tips for adding Retrobatch droplets to the Finder toolbar: Allison Sheridan: My main use of Retrobatch is to make featured images for blog posts that match what most if not all of the social media services will recognize. That droplet thing is money. I keep mine in the toolbar of Finder though since I always have a Finder window open when I’ve …
    353 words
  8. Jon's Place, , more info

    At the Match: Bexhill United v Eastbourne United AFC
    There are days when you think: why, exactly, am I here? If that question is on your mind at half time at a football match then you know it’s probably not going exactly the way you want it to go. One of those I shook hands with prior to the game was on his way […]
    By jonsmalldon, 65 words
  9. The Second Button, , more info

    Some Clothes I Got in 2024
    But Mousie, thou art no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy! Last year, I wrote an article about clothes I wanted to get in 2024. I broke down goals in tailoring, shirts, pants, knits, outerwear, footwear, and accessories. Now, I'm going to break down clothes I've purchased …
    By Daniel Hakimi, 1,896 words
  10. Landscape and Nature Photography Photoblog • Michael Russell Photography, , more info

    Aurora borealis (Northern Lights) in Metro Vancouver
    Purple and green Aurora borealis (the Northern Lights) during a large geomagnetic storm in May 2024. Aurora borealis rays in purple and green (Purchase) Often around Vancouver, even media hyped potential for aurora borealis aka the northern lights tends to fizzle out or is so weak that it shows only as a faint green smudge ... Read more The post Aurora borealis (Northern Lights) in Metro Vancouver appeared first on …
    By Michael, 80 words
  11. even*cleveland, , more info

    odds and ends / 1.9.2025
    Alice Neel, "Snow in Vermont," 1975.*Beguiling grainy image of a pinecone mobile found on Pinterest; I can't determine the source, but I'd like to make one.*Garry Knox Bennett, "Granny Rietveld." Via Commune Design.*Ivor Cutler, "A Clock." Via stopping off place.*Snowy scene by Wanda Gág, captured by Claire Zarouhee Nereim. (I wish I could have seen the exhibit at the Whitney.)*Frances Palmer's bulbs.*It’s winter now, some months after the phoebes outside …
    By evencleveland, 605 words
  12. Hinesight....for Foresight | Blog, , more info

    It’s Really Hard to Get Out of the Current System Straitjacket
    In After Capitalism, we acknowledge and do not under-estimate how clever the current system is at saving itself. Reform is often simply a way to deflect and buy time for existing system. My view is not to waste time and energy “fighting” that, but rather getting on with the longer-term goal of transformation. The post It’s Really Hard to Get Out of the Current System Straitjacket first appeared on Hinesight....for …
    By Andy Hines, 82 words
  13. Homesick Texan, , more info

    Salted butterscotch oatmeal cookies
    There is one cookie that reminds me of Dallas in the 1970s—a chewy oatmeal cookie laced with caramelized butterscotch chips. When I was young, a plate of these was seen... Source
    By Lisa Fain, 35 words
  14., , more info

    Educational Products: Month 3
    Highlights I published the first chapter of my book and was happy with the reception. My attempt to hire a book cover designer flopped. I may have figured out how to support large files on PicoShare. Goal grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s how I did against those goals: Finish two chapters of Refactoring English Result: Finished one chapter and got …
    2,566 words
  15. Jem – UK blogger - Developer - Entrepeneur, , more info

    Day in the life of an autistic CEO
    Alright, simmer down, I know I’m not really a “CEO” because I don’t have a board of directors or a c-suite or anything like that, but “day in the life of an autistic freelance web developer turned LTD company managing director” as a title was just ridiculous. Work with me here guys. I’m writing this post because a) in my opinion, there’s not enough public representation of autistic folk just… …
    By Jem, 79 words